26 APRIL 1890, Page 22

Devia Oypria. By D. G. Hogarth, M.A. (H. Frowde.)—Mr. Hogarth

gives us here the results of a tour in Cyprus, undertaken in the interests of classical archteology. These results, it must be allowed, are somewhat meagre. Mr. Hogarth found out some- thing about the cult of the Cyprian Apollo. If his conjectures about this are right, he has the negative credit of removing from the map of classical Cyprus two names (p. 27). He also gives reasons for thinking what region of the country will and what will not repay future exploration. And he supplies a more complete list of the Roman Governors of Cyprus than has hitherto been made. Of the mediaeval and modern island he has something to tell us, and even has good advice for the administration on the subject of the licences issued to sponge-fishers.