26 APRIL 1902, Page 19

In the course of the general debate that followed, a

good deal of dissatisfacticrn as to the conduct of the Government was apparent in the House, and two Unionists, Mr. Arthur Elliott and Mr. Winston Churchill, expressed their dis- approval of the detention of Mr. Cartwright by the exercise of military authority. Mr. Balfour's reply for the Govern- ment was, in our view, the perfectly sound demand that the House should not condemn Lord Kitchener unheard. No one yet knows what are his reasous for wishing to detain Mr. Cartwright, and till they are known we hold with Mr. Balfour that the House of Commons would have been guilty of an unpatriotic piece of folly if it had in effect passed a vote of censure on Lord Kitchener for his action. In the end Mr. Morley's Motion was defeated by 77 votes,-259 to 182.