26 APRIL 1913, Page 31


SIR,—It is well to abuse the Government for not promoting National Service, but should not a word of admonition be also administered to the "manhood" of Great Britain ? They realize, the majority of them must realize, their country's need of their patriotic service, yet not a youth among them lifts his voice to indicate willingness to respond to England's needs. It is deplorable that so spiritless are our young men that there are none who come forward to themselves organize meetings to demand that they be rendered capable of under- taking the duty of defending their country, King, and kin. No Government could ignore such honourable request. If English males are fit to be called English men they should in public meetings and the press proclaim that their votes will be given only to such aspirants to Parliament as will place National Service in the forefront of their programme. Our present state is sorrowful. Militant women make us sigh, and non-militant men make us blush.—I am, Sir, &c.,