26 APRIL 1913, Page 32


Sin,—Your correspondent, "H. W. B.," in your issue of April 19th, defends Whitson-Day against Whit-sunday. Is there a higher authority than the late W. W. Skeat? In his concise etymological dictionary of the English language he is most emphatic on the other side. May I give some extracts? "Whit-sunday (E.) Lit. White Sunday, as is perfectly certain from the A. S. name. . . . These are facts, though constantly denied by the lovers of paradoxical and farfetched etymologies. . . . Der. Whitsun-week, short for Whitssunday's week. . . . Whitsuntide, short for Whit- sunday-tide." Probably the correct terms Christmas Day, Easter Day, have suggested the incorrect term Whitsun Day.