26 APRIL 1919, Page 13



Sus,—Last Sunday I took a unique Church parade, which I think will interest many readers of the Spectator. 1 was visiting an outlying detachment at Mudania, and finding ma suitable building for the Sunday service, asked permission to use the Greek Orthodox Church. This was cordially granted. The Greek priests then expressed a desire to take some part in the service by offering a prayer for our King and his armies, to which, of course, I gladly consented. The officer

commanding the detacl ost issued about four hundred passes to Greek people who wished to attend the British military service, and also to Muslanin's Governor and Chief of Police. whom I had met when hunting wild boar on the previous Thursday, and who were both Tusks and Mohammedans. Thus we had members of the Church of England, and several Nonconformist soldiers, who came voluntarily, together with members of the Greek Orthodox Church and Mohammedans, all attending a Christian service in a Mussulman country. It rather grieves one to think that these extremes can meet out here, and yet in our own beloved country, out of the umpteen different sects which constitute Christianity, hardly two can worship together without quarrelling. I venture to suggest that conditions will have to be altered " When the Boys Come Home."—I am, Sir, &c., M. J. ELAND, Chaplain to the Forces. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, Salonika Forces, March 7th.