26 APRIL 1919, Page 3

The Bolshevik gang, mostly composed of Jews, in Budapest is

leading an uneasy life. 3'.. Balfour had occasion last week to warn the ringleader, Bela Kun, that foreign subjects and insti- tutions must not be robbed, and that the Communists would be held to their promise to respect foreign property. Meanwhile Bela Kun has admitted that the Magyar offensive against Rumania, which he had concerted with Lenin, has failed dismally. The Rumanians-in their turn are moving westward, and are reported to be at Grosewardein. It is said also that the Czecho-Slovak troops are marching southwards towards Buda- pest,-for in their ease also theldagyare have broken the Armistice. The occupation by the Allies, of Budapest would probably ease the situation. Decent Magyars would welcome them as saviours of society, and the Bolshevik plague would be stamped out.