26 APRIL 1924, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Surely the individuals who write to you denying there can be cruelty in sport because the same fish may be hooked on two occasions are much lacking in logic. A fish must live by food, and however much it may have suffered from being " played," it must still obtain food, and therefore be subject to further deception by fly or bait. The rabbit that so rarely escapes in the horrible " sport " of rabbit coursing must still eat and may be again entrapped by snare or trap, to suffer again the " agony " ; but this should not convince even a clergyMan that the rabbit enjoyed his sport. The hare or fox who has been hunted cannot be secure from a second trial by spending the rest of his life underground and living on air, even at the risk of being otherwise proved to have suffered nothing from his first experience.—I am,