26 APRIL 1935, Page 37


The General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation is signalizing its Jubilee year by issuing accounts for the year nded December last showing further advance in the volume

(Continued on page 714.)

Financial Notes

(Continued from page 713.) of business in all its principal departments. The net new business transacted by the General Life Assurance Company, whose figures arc combined-with those of the owning company, amounted to £2,840,292 compared with 12,308,950 in the previous year, and the Life,. Annuity and Capital Redemption Funds increased by £339,833 to £4,186,396. In the General Accident's Fire Department the . net premium income was £593,006, an advance of £44,166 on the figure for the preceding year. The net income of the General Accident from all sources was £8,648,095 compared with £8,065,880 in 1933, and the total credit at profit and loss was £920,939. After provision for the total payment of 16s. per share including Is. per share Jubilee bonus, and representing an advance of 2s. on the 1933 aggregate dividend, the credit at profit and loss was £534,251 compared with £485,796 brought in.