26 AUGUST 1843, Page 12



The Funds were firm at the beginning of the week ; the improved prices of Saturday being fully maintained. A reaction of nearly 1 per cent occurred preciously to this afternoon ; occasioned partly by the slight decline of the ex- changes, partly by the bad weather, and partly by the appearances of the politi- cal horizon. Considerable alarm was occasioned today by the publication of a third edition of the Times announcing the capture and carrying into Sheerness by the Cyclops steam-frigate of a French vessel laden with arms proceeding to Ireland. Daring the momentary panic occasioned by this intelligence, Consols fell from 94i to 94; but as it soon became apparent that there must be some mistake in the announcement, the market recovered, and the closing price is 941 1. During the week there have been some large speculative sales made by parties who occasionally influence the market, and who have the credit of ob- taining early political infoeination : the great mass of the public, however, con- tinue to invest ; and the scarcity of Stock thus occasioned operates to keep up the market, or rather to check the fall, which would under other circumstances have been produced by the speculative operations just noticed. There is no charge in the value of Exchequer ; nor in that of money ; which can hardly be said to be in demand, although sought for on loan or discount, at the rate of 2 per cent per annum. The following are the periods fixed for closing and reopening the books of he various Stocks, the Dividends upon which become due IR October— SHIFT. Orme.

Bank Stock Friday 1st September....Tuesday 17th October. Three per Cent Reduced Friday 1st September....Thursday 19th October. Three-and-a-half per Cent ditto Friday 1st September.... Friday 20th October. Ditto. 1818 Thursday 7th September-Tuesday 17th October. Long Annuities Friday 1st September-. -Wednesday 18th October. Annuities for Terms of Years Friday 8th September..... Friday 20th October. 01s1 Annuities Monday 4th September...Monday 16th October.

The business of the Foreign Market has scarcely been of any importance. Mexican Bonds, which had given way about 1 per cent, have rallied again, and recovered their lost ground. By a late arrival, intelligence has been received that a further sum of 60,000 dollars on account of the Dividends was ready for shipment at Tampico ; and as on its arrival the funds in the hands of the agents will be only 20,000 dollars short of the amount required to pay half a year's dividend, it is considered certain that a dividend will be paid in October next. Spanish Stock has not fluctuated so much as usual, but has had rather a downward tendency during the last few days ; the speculators being alarmed at the reported movements at Barcelona and Saragossa. The high price of this stock under existing circumstances is quite a problem ; and its solution has been attempted by a statement that the Ex-Queen of Spain, and those acting for and with her in the late revolution, have deemed it advisable to support the credit of Spain in the foreign markets by making large purchases ; and that during the last three of four weeks, a broker who has been employed by their agents has purchased nearly a million of stock ; thus giving an artificial charac- ter to the market, and causing the price to keep up as it has done. Portuguese Bonds are rather on the advance, in anticipation of the ultimate arrangement of the Tariff : the business transacted has been, however, unimportant. Co- lumbian is rather heavy ; Brazilian at an advance of about 1 per cent : while Chilian continues in demand, and has been quoted at 100, the Deferred Stock being 39. The Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cent Bonds are still suffering under the threatened infliction of the property-tax, and have a downward tendency: the Five per Cents are better supported, in consequence of nearly a half- year's dividend being due upon them. The business transacted in Shares has been of a very general nature; and the prices of the Railway Shares have been well supported. Great Western do not give way under the curtailment of the dividend, and our quotations are the the same as last week. A considerable advance has taken place in North Midland ; and the low value of money appears gradually to be forcing the in- vestment of capital in almost every description of share which promises a re- turn for its employment.


The English Funds are at yesterday's prices, with scarcely any thing doing: the only price at which business has occurred in Console being 94. Ex- chequer Bills are the same. In the Foreign Market prices are nominally the same as yesterday. Some inquiry has been made after Portuguese Converted Bonds, and the price is consequently quoted higher, viz. 42 i; but we cannot learn that any bargains have occurred.

The business in Railway Shares has been confined to the following—Bir- mingham and Derby, 48; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 49; Blackwell, 41.


The English Funds close rather more firmly ; Consols, both for Money and Account, having been done at 941 ; the last price being 941 i. Business in the Foreign Market has been unimportant. Dutch Stock has given way slightly, in consequence of some brokers connected with Holland having evinced a disposition to sell. Columbian are also lower, and have been done at 241. The others are without material variation. In addition to the transactions noticed in the morning, we have to report the following in Shares. Railways—Derby and Birmingham, 481; Derby and Gloucester, 51 2 ; Ditto, New, 121; Eastern Counties, (new registered,) 101; Brighton, 34#; Birmingham, New, 40; North Midland, 78; South-eastern and Dover, 271 1; Ditto, Scrip, 27* London and Westminster, 231; Union 3 per Cent Consols 944 ll

Ditto for Account 944 1 3 per Cent Reduced 95 4 31 per Cent Ditto. 1011 i

1. Banks—London Joint Stock, 121;

of Australia, 291.

Chilian Deferred 38 40

Colombian 6 per Cents,1824 244 1 Danish 3 per Cents ...... 86 7 Dutch 24 Ceuta 522 d

New 34 per Cents

1021 4 Ditto 5 per Cents

1011 1

Bank Stock fur Account

182 Mexican 5 per Cents Coned .

36 7

Exchequer Bills pm. 56 60 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 42 4

India Stock

264 5 Russian h per Cents 116 17 Btaziliau 5 per Cents

73 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 181 19

Belgian 5 pee Cents

104 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 251 26 Chtlian 6 per Cents ...

98 100