26 AUGUST 1911, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' 1313,—Recent events have again emphasized the necessity of ascertaining by means of an impartial referendum the opinion of the public in regard to the wisest means of permanently adjusting the grave- differences that exist between capital and labour. As wisdom is not confined to politicians or restricted

to Cabinet Ministers, we consider that the collective opinion of the people should always be obtained in reference to matters that directly concern the national welfare. The Independent Political Association is establishing the necessary machinery for taking a referendum of the people on all subjects of supreme importance, and particularly in cases where the will of the people is ignored, suppressed, or misconstrued. The questions of Home Rule and payment of members are two matters that we desire to submit to a referendum without delay, and the result of the comprehensive poll we propose to take will be published in due course. I think it will be agreed that work of this character can best be conducted by an independent association without party bias, one, moreover, animated with the object of recording and tabulating public opinion in the exact form in which it is expressed. Might I be permitted to mention to all interested in this proposal that our ability to carry it out efficiently depends entirely upon the amount of practical support we receive P—I am, Sir, &c., S. SICELHORN, Literary Secretary. Independent Political Association, Westminster Chambs., 1 Victoria Street, S.W.