26 AUGUST 1978, Page 15

Bhutto's trial

Sir: 1 see from her letter to you (11 August) that Miss Victoria Schofield, who contributed an article only a fortnight earlier to your columns on the subject of Mr Bhutto's impending appeal, is in Rawalpindi. Her status in that city, not as a journalist, but as a guest of Mr Bhutto's daughter, might surprise your readers—those who are unaware, that is, that the two ladies were at college together and that one succeeded the other as President of the Oxford Union. Do you think that it is slightly dishonest to present Miss Schofield's opinions as those of a neutral journalist?

Andrew Turner Otter Lodge, Clifton-upon-Dunsmore, Rugby We are aware that Miss Schofield is a friend of Miss Bhutto and therefore concerned about the fate of Miss Bhutto's father. But this fact in no way diminishes the validity of her observations as a witness of the trial. Nor was she 'presented' by the Spectator as a 'neutral journalist' (Editor.)