26 DECEMBER 1835, Page 8

The miscellaneous entertainments at the Lyceum have been varied by

a melodrama called The 4ifinerali—the name seems familiar to us in the bills, but we bad not seen it before—in which DENVIL acts a principal part very creditably. Miss RICHARDSON'S acting made us wish that the piece had allowed us to sympathize with the emotions she so naturally expressed ; but though the incidents were not very improbable, the inflated language of the dialogue quite put it out of our power to feel any interest whatever either in the characters or the story. The audi- ence, however, applauded, and we were therefore in the minority of silent spectators.

BUNN may well boast of humtugging the public and managing the press, since he succeeded in keeping on the tragic throne of Drury for a season an actor of such commonplace mediocrity as DENVIL, who is just fit to "do the dreadful" at Astley's or the Surry.