26 DECEMBER 1846, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 22.-8th Light Drags.-Lieut. J. Thompson to be card. by pnr. chase, vice Lowndes, who retires ; Cornet W. Davis to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Thompson ; D. 11. Clutterbuck, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Davis. 14th Light Drags.-A. Lloyd, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Bradbury, appointed to the 1st Drag. Guards. 4th Foot-Ensign J. N. M'Kelvey to be Lieut. by purchase, vies Bums, who retires; G. F. F. Whitlock, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice M'Kel- vey ; Gent. Cadet G. Morgan, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign; without purchase, vice Thorpe, dec. 5th Foot-To be Capt. without purchase-Lieut. L. H. Hamilton- To be First Lieuts. without purchase-Sec. Lieut. A. E. C. Forster ; Sec. Lieut. G. S. Home ; See. Lieut. A. E. Johnson, from the 60th Foot, vice Hamilton-To be sec. Lieuts, without purchase-Ensign J. W. T. Dickson, from the 27th Foot ; Gent. Cadet A. E. Roes, from the Royal Mil. Coll.; Gent. Cadet J. Flood, from the Royal MU. Coll. vice Forster ; Gent. Cadet W. H. P. Meara, from the Royal Mil. Coll. vice Home. ststh Foot-Ensign R. W. Clerke to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rudyerd, who retires ; H. V. Stuart, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Clerke. 30th Foot-Brevet Limit.- Col. E. A. Angelo, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. vice Brevet Major H. J. M. Gre- gory, who exchanges ; Lieut. H. Shunt to be Capt. by purchase, vice Angelo, who re- tires. 33d Foot-Lieut. C. P. B. Walker to be Capt. by purchase, vice H. K. Erskine, who retires; Ensign T. Wickham to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Walker ; J. II. INvigg, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Wickham. 36th Foot-Lieut. J. A. Braddell, from half-pay of the Regt. to be Lieut. vice Dickens, appointed to the 26th Foot ; Ensign H. R. S. Trelawney to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Braddell. who retires; R. Harboard, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Trelawney. 44t1t Foot-Lieut. J. S. Howard to be Adjt. vice Philipps, promoted. 56th Foot-Assist.-Surg. G. A. Cowper, M.D. from 66th Foot, to be Surg.; J. H. May, Gent, to be Assist,-Sum. 60th Foot-Gent. Cadet C. W. Earle, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Sec. Lieut. without purchase, vice John- son, promoted in 5th Foot. 68th Foot-Lteut, S. Browne to be Capt. by purchase, vice Johnston, who retires ; Ensign the Hon. D. G. Finch to be Lieut. by purchase, Vine Browne ; W. F. W. Garforth, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Finch 7Ist Foot -Assist.-Surg. H. C. Reade, from half-pay 79th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Grant, promoted in the Royal Newfoundland Companies. 76th Foot-Lieut. T. C. Poole, from 57th Foot, tote Lieut. vice G. A. Bayly, who retires upon half-pay of 57th Foot. 8ISt Foot-Lieut. G. W. Raikes to be Capt. by purchase, vice Neynoe, who retires ; Ensign C.E. Goodwin to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ratites; W. F. Currie, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Goodwin.

Royal Newfoundland Companies-Assist.-Surg. C. C. H. Grant, from 71st Foot, to be Suss. vice Pink, appointed to the Provisional Battalion.

Provisional Battalion-Slug. J. F. Pink, from the Royal Newfoundland Companies, to be Surg. vice S. A. Piper, M.D. who retires upon half-pay.

Brevet-Lieut.-Col. E. A. Angelo, from 30th Foot, to be Col. In the Army.

Memorandum.-The commissions of the under-mentioned officers to be ante-dated to the dates placed against their names, and, as they were serving in India at the period, theyare to receive back-pay, viz.-Cornet George E. F. Kauntze, 3d Light Drags. to 19th Dec. 1845; Ensign John Whiteside, 9th Foot, to 19th Dec. 1845; Ensign George Mitchell, 29th Foot, to 19th Dec. 1845; Ensign William Jones. 31st Foot, to 19th Dec. 1845; Ensign Richard Heaton, 50th Foot, to 20th Dec. 1845; Ensign William Rudman, 62d Foot, to 224 Dec. 1845; Ensign Matthew Kirkland, 80th Foot, to 22d Dec. 1845. Orrice or ORDNANCE, Dec. 23.-Royal Regt. of ArtRlery-Gentlemen Cadets to be Second Lieats.-J. E. Michell, G. C. Henry, T. P. Warlow, P. Bedingtield, S. P. S. Childers, W. II. Mytton, Hon. J. J. Bury, R. P. C. Jones, H. J. M. Campbell, R. 0. Farmer, C. M. Govan, C. H. Ingilby, R. P. Gabbett.

Corps of Royal Engineers-Gentlemen Cadets to be Second Lients.-J. Liddell, vice Du Cam, promoted ; C. W. Barry, vice Kerr, promoted ; C. H. fiedley, vice Meggridge, promoted ; W. F. Lambert, vice Koc, promoted ; R. Warren, vice Jervols, promoted; H. Williams, vice Tyler, promoted; A. Mack:erste, vice Be Butts, promoted.