26 DECEMBER 1891, Page 26

I Cruise on Frics/and Broads. By Vie Hon. Reginald Brougham

(Ward and Downey.)—A reader may do as he pleases with Mr Brougham's account of his expedition. If he can get through it, it will do him no harm. But he should by all means read the appendix, which is full of practical information,—that is, if he has any idea of going himself to the localities described. The Norfolk Broads seem likely to be more or less shut against visitors ; it is therefore interesting to know how far the Friesland waters are available. The expenses seem small enough. "You get a six weeks' real holiday for .210 apiece ; " to this stores must be added, costing, say, .25. Then there will be an initial expense of a boat. "A boat suitable for the trip should not cost more than from £30 to ..240, including tent and beds."