26 DECEMBER 1908, Page 27

The Cathedrals of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. By T. F.

Bumpus. (T. Werner Laurie. 16s. net.)—The architecture of these churches ranges from fine specimens of Romanesque at Lund to pointed Gothic at 17psala. At the latter place, too, are to be found ancient vestments of the fifteenth century and earlier, as well as a magnificent enamelled coffer and the shrine of St. Eric. Mr. Bumpus gives us photographs of the outside of the Cathedral at Trondhjem before and after restoration. We agree with him that there is difficulty in recognising the old building in its new guise. Not only has a spire been built, but quantities of ornamental work, which, to judge from the illustration, has impaired the picturesque dignity of the old structure, have been added.