26 FEBRUARY 1848, Page 10


&coca Exciimar, FRIDAY Arrzawooe.

The English Funds were heavy at the commencement of the week, owing to the aspect of political affairs in France. Consols, which on Monday were 89k, fell in the course of yesterday to 89, but rallied slightly before the close of busi- ness. The first price this morning was 88e; and after rising to 881, a depression to 88 occurred. During the afternoon, the fluctuation has been between this lat- ter price and 88e; and the closing quotations are 871 1 for Money and 871 88 for Account, being a fall of full 1 per cent since yesterday. The settlement of the Consol Account, yesterday, off smoothly: Stock was more plentiful than had been anticipated, and the " continuation " varied from to I, being at the rate of from 2 to 3 per cent per annum upon the capital employed. The rats.of commercial discount continues the same; and though the alarm at the interrup- tion of our communications with the French capital is considerable, the sales of Stock which have produced the decline above noticed have been entirely specula- tive, and no large amounts have been brought-to maket for money. Exchequer

gills are 24s. to 30s premium; Bank Stock is quoted at 198 and 1994; and India Stock at 244. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been quite unimportant, and the fluctuations upon a limited scale: the tendency is downward, as is always the case when any decline occurs in the English Funds.

The prices of the principal Hallway Shares are nearly the same as they were last week. Some of them have shown indications of improvement, and were in one or two instances marked at quotations in a slight degree above those last given; but this tendency is no longer observable, and since yesterday the market has been heavy. Some transactions of more than usual magnitude have occurred in the French Shares today, at a reduction in price of from 10s. to IL As might have been expected from the violence reported to have been exercised upon the line of the Great Northern of France, the Shares of this company have fallen in a greater degree than those of any other; the decline since yesterday being about V., while those of the other lines have only fallen to half that extent.

The recent decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in favour of the Australasian Bank, by which the Company have established a claim against the Derwent Bank at Sydney for 150,0001. for some years litigated, has given in- creased value to the Bank Shares: they had fallen as low as 15, but since the above decision an improvement has occurred; on Monday the price was 22, but has since fallen to 204. The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 19th February, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-

Bswanso DEvanxxzerr.


Increase. Decrease.

£6,627 Public Deposits £649,238

Oth er Deposits

163,907 Seven-day and other Bills

34,912 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight

Other Securities

355,178 Notes unissued 841.775

Actual Circulation


Notes issued 307,810

Bullion 364,925

This week. Last week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 14,569,649 14,204,724 Actual Circulation 18,084,695 18,518,660


Business was prolonged yesterday afternoon till six o'clock, and at that hour Consols for Account had fallen to 851. The first price this morning was 844, and 85 was soon reached; but a fall almost immediately took place to 831. A reaction to 844 speedily occurred; but prices soon gave way again, to 831, and the present quotation is 831 4. We cannot give any quotations of the Foreign Funds, or report any transactions in them. Dutch Four per Cents have been of- fered at 80, and Russian Five per Cents at 107; both being a decline of from 3 to 4 per cent upon yesterday's prices. It is impossible to sell this sort of Stock, but purchases may be effected at very considerable reductions, as everybody is anxious to sell and there is not a single buyer. The following are the chief transactions in Railway Shares, which suffer in the common depretiation: Caledonian, 33 4; Ditto, Half-shares, 34 die; Eastern Counties, 144 15; Northern and Eastern, 514; Great North of England, 225; Ditto, New, 151., 224; Brighton, 334; North-western, 140; South-western, 52 50; North British, 24 4; North Stafford- shire, 94; South-eastern and Dover, 28; Ditto, Thirds, 44. The French Shares are unsaleable.

3 per Cent Consols 83 4 Danish 3 per Cents Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced sat Dutch 24 per Cents834 Ditto 4 per Cents 31 per Cents 84 85 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846

Long Annuities New Granada

Bank Stock Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 —

F.chequer Bills 20 28 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 India Stock Russian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents - Belgian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Buenos Ayres Venezuela Chill= 6 per Cents