26 FEBRUARY 1848, Page 6


Waterford election is to commence on Tuesday next. Mr. Meagher of the Sword, Sir Henry W. Barron, Mr. Costelloe, and Mr. M`Carthy, late M.P. for Cork City, are candidates. Mr. Meagher "will contest it to his last shilling, and last drop of blood." Riots have already taken place. The Young Irelanders stormed and sacked the Old Ireland committee- rooms of Mr. Costelloe, and killed an opponent.

More Boards of Guardians are falling under the hands of Government, and giving place to paid officers.

Cultivation generally is reviving, including that of the potato.

The Roman Catholic Primate has addressed a letter to the Dublin Even- ing Post commenting on that of Dr. O'Higgins about the error in transcrib- ing " diffamationibus." Dr. Crolly trusts, now the important error is cor- rected, that the pions injunctions of the rescript will be attended to by all for whose instruction it was intended. mazon, the defaulting clerk of the Shannon Commissioners, who was acquitted on a charge of forgery, has been tried for the embezzlement of a check for 2551., winch he got cashed, keeping the money. He was found guilty; and the sen- tence was transportation for seven years.

Three more persons have been executed under sentences passed by the Special Gommissions,—James Skeahan, and James Quane, in Limerick; and JohnCrowe, in Clare. In Crowe's prayer-book this memorandum has been found- aurs, crowe Dont Let your children be scoulding with any of these peaple who was the cause of puting me in here, for it would Do you more harm than good in the ise of mr. Brown or mr. Arthur; live peacible with your nebours, bear everything peacible, and god will do for von."

The Reverend Mr. Enright, a zealous Boman Catholic pastor, has obtained con- fessions of having given perjured testimony from Hourigan, the father of the two children for whose murder Howard was tried and convicted. It is believed How- ard is innocent: he has been reprieved.