26 FEBRUARY 1853, Page 10

The following singularly unsatisfactory telegraphic despateh was re- ceived yesterday

from Trieste. "The Burmese occupy the Aeng Pass with a large force. Pegu [the pro- vince?] has been again occupied by a large force of Burmese. They raised the siege [of the town] on the 8th and 9th of January, and marched to the defence of Schoygyt, upon learning that General Steel was advancing upon that place. The Burmese have retired from Prome and from Meadami. It is said that a revolution has taken place at Ava, by which the old King has been deposed and driven out, and that the new King has recalled the troops to Ave, and desires peace. Fever and diarrhcea prevailed among our troops, and were increasing."

The Franklin arrived yesterday off Cowes, with dates from New York to the 14th. The Committee of the Senate on Foreign Relations have reported that the encroachments of British settlers in Central America, either with or without the consent of their Government, is a matter for adjudication between England and those States. Upon the whole, the Committee consider it unnecessary to adopt any measures with regard to the carrying out of the Clayton and Bulwer treaty. The French Minister had induced the Government of the United States to suspend the postal order of the 24th of January for three months.

The last bulletin of the state of the Emperor of Austria's health an- nounces that it is completely satisfactory. The wound is not deep, and it had begun to heal. His Majesty had on the 21st affixed his signature to several state papers. The citizen who assisted Count O'Donnell in arrest- ing the assassin has been created Chevalier of the Order of Francis Jo- seph, and Count O'Donnell Chevalier of the Order of Leopold.

Another account says that the consequences of the blow given to the Emperor show themselves in sanguinary coagulations. His Majesty suffered from fever on Thursday night, but fell into a gentle sleep towards morning. A telegraphic message from Trieste, via Paris, says that Count Leinin- gen had not yet left Constantinople, but had declined the mediation of France and England, and-fixed another ultimatum.

The Federal Council of Switzerland adopted the following resolution on Monday-

" The Federal decision upon the safe keeping (internement) of the Italian refugees shall be carried into effect. Persons compromised shall be expelled. Information of this decision shall be given to Austria, and she shall be re- quested to raise the blockade."