26 FEBRUARY 1910, Page 3

Later in the evening the position of the Government was

defended by Mr. Churchill. He declared that on the great question between the two Houses "no smooth compromise and no satisfying formula would suffice." At the same time, it was necessary to recognise the actual facts of the situation. On the one hand, the refusal of Supply was "a weapon which at the present time cannot be directed against the other Estate of the Realm, but only against the whole people of the kingdom." On the other, it was impossible to demand assurances from the Crown in regard to a measure which was not yet even formulated. Mr. Churchill concluded by asking for adequate majorities to carry the necessary votes upon the Address and in Supply. The Radical attack on the Government was begun by Mr. Belloc, and continued vigorously by Sir H. Dalziel, Mr. Pickersgill, Mr. Wedgwood, Sir Albert Spicer, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Hemmerde. It was, kowever, too obviously crying for the moon to be effective.