26 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 2

The Allied Miniaters met in eel:dere/me-at St. -James's Palace on'

Monday to consider Near Eastern questions. They decided that the plebiscite both of residents and non-residents in Upper -Silesia should be held on March 20th. The Greek Premier stated his case for the maintenance of the Treaty of Sevres, -asserting that the Greek forces could easily deal with the Turkish insurgenta if Greece were allowed to act. On Wednesday the rival Turkish delegations, from Constantinople and from Angora, presented- their case. As the Turks proposed, in effect, to annul the Peace Treaty and claimed full sovereignty over theglaisits as well as over Smyrna, they created a bad impression. All our sacrifices in the Turkish war would have been made in vain if Turkey were to recover the right to close the Dardanelles, and Were permitted to resume her abominable misgovernment of the Greek population of-Western Asia Minor.