26 FEBRUARY 1954, Page 14

CHEMICAL WARFARE SIR,—You have probably seen the correspon- dence in

The Times protesting aga nst the decision of the Kent County Council to spray hedgerows and verges with selective weed killer, A great. many people living in the country, including myself, view with the greatest concern this latest notion to pollute the ground and air with chemical poisons. As well as the danger to wild flowers. birds and beasts, there is the question of its effect on humans. To cover mile upon mile of the spring scents of life and beauty with the repellent stench of death and ugliness must horrify anybody whose soul is not entirely dead, while the particles given off from these sprays can affect the body with the highly unpleasant symptoms of a head cold and malaise. Chemical warfare may be w.th us one day—until then I feel the strongest pro- tests should be made through the Press and Parliament to stop private or public bodies inflicting these horrors on the countrys de.-- Yours faithfully, - Mill Cottage, Cockerounbe, Nr. Nether Stowey, Somerset