26 FEBRUARY 1954, Page 31

Tic a prizes are awarded each erk a book token

for one guinea and a cool' of Mr De Luxe edition nl Chambers's Taentieth Cen- tury Dictionary. I hese will be awarded to the senders of the frif Iwo earreri salailusis opened after noon on 'Tuesday week.

Al arch 9th, and addressed.' Crossword 771. vt) Gower tit.. London, W.C.I. Solution must be on the form here printed.The solution and the names of the winners will be published in the following issue.

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5. A place of merely incidental Intelli. genre ? (6.) 9. Lets us cap you though quarrelsome. (8.) 10. Time on one's legs 7 (6.) 12. The story of 21's voyage. (6.) 13. Venus conciliated ? (8.) 15. Flowery emblem of the Scot's universal penetration. (5, 7.) 18. A hard man thus deranged. (12.) 23. Time the builder become thus opti- cally affected ? (4, 4.) 24, The forbidden island, It seems. (6.)

26. Baba for example in a stage. direc- tion. (6.) 27. Not poisonous, however, in the duck's opinion. (8.)

28. Disperse athletically. (6.) 29. It's strange that this china got broken. (8.)


1. Amuse,-Jockularly ! (6.)

2, Little work to act as a model, (6.) 3, Not an exclusive baggage. (7.) 4, Obsolete lizards. (4.) 6. A shocking character given direction. (7.)

8. Left-overs make a sure side. (8.) 11. One of a tribe of theatrical successes ? (7.)

14. Worn away. (7.)

16. Corvine places of refreshment. (8.) 17. Looks rather like a cannibal's confes- sion in excuse. (8.)