26 JANUARY 1839, Page 1

Accounts have been received from Bombay to the Celt of

De- cember, and from Calcutta to the 21st of November. It appears that the Indian Government is involved in a war with the Burmese. As soon as a large portion of the British forces had commenced their march towards the North-west, Colonel BENSON, the Resident at the Burmese Court, was imprisoned with his suite in a fortress in an unhealthy island of the river, without even a decent Azolk of provisions. The Supreme Government immediate ideate:7U .\ troops to be transported to Arrican, and prepared wi'bt characti -

teristic vigour to avenge the insult on its representative.

Notwithstanding the retirement of the Persians from before Herat, it was resolved to persevere in measures to " substitute .a friendly for a hostile power in the Eastern provinces of Affghanrs7 tan, and tbr the establishment of a permanent harrier against schemes of aggression upon our North-west frontier." Such are the words of an "order" issued by the Governor-General.

The Morning Post says, .that both the Court of Directors and the Board of Control disapprove of Lord AUCKLAND'S proceedings in India.