26 JANUARY 1839, Page 11


STOCK ENCITANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. fluctuation of the English Stock Market has not exceeded a per cent., and the business transacted has not been important. Consols for Account Were 011 Monday its high as 924, but the refusal of the Bank to sell gold in bars, unless at an advanced price, caused several sales to he effected, and the price has since declined to 92g. and closes this afternoon A higher, viz. 92/ ft. The New Three-and-a-half per Cents. have declined in a like proportion, and have been done at 991. Long Annuities arc rather more in demand, and been to-day quoted at 13 1-16. Bank Stock has been steady ; and India Stock, which has been 254/s, is to-day 2551. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are without variation.

The continued fall in the exchanges caused such a demand for gold as a me- ilium of exportation to the Continent, that on Tuesday the Bank Directors deemed it expedient to raise the price of bar-gold, and they refused to sell any under 31. I8s. 2d. per ounce ; thus reversing the usual order of things, and charging a scinorage of 3,Sd. per ounce upon the unwrought instead of upon the coined metal. The Mint price of gold is 31. 17s. 101d., and it has usually been current at from 31. 17s. 9d. to 31. 17s. 101,d. ; and the latter has till now been the price at which all the Bank sales have been made. The demand for bar- gold, however, was on Monday and Tuesday last so great, as to induce the Di- rectors to discontinue any further sale of it 'unless at the advanced price of 31. 18s. 2d. The merchants, therefore, who would have purchased gold in bars at the ordinary price, have contented themselves with converting bank- notes into sovereigns to the requisite extent ; and those sovereigns will, on their arrival at Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg, or St. Petersburg, be converted into bars, at an expense of between and ;If per cent., or rather more titan 2d. an ounce, being bleb. the ounce less than the Bank charge for giving bar-gold in- stead of' sovereigns in exchange for bank-notes. The tulvices from Homburg by by the mail of Wednesday having brought intelligence of a decline in the price of gold and a rise in the exchange, the Directors have reduced their selling price of gold in bars to 31. 18s.; and we understand that some very large pur- chases have been made in the course of this mornings at that price, for remit- tance to Paris ; about 100,0001. in bars and sovereigns having been sent to France to-day.

The business of the Foreign Market has been very considerable, and almost every description of current Stork has been in demand at advanced prices.

The final adjustment of the Belgian question has caused an improvement of 1 per cent. in Dutch Two-awl-a-little per Cents., which have risen front 54k to 55k. Belgian Bonds are, however, heavy- at 99, with tits' transactions,

Brazilian Bonds are higher, having been done to-day at 79. The other South American Securities are steady.

The change of Ministry in France has produced a considerable improvement in Spanish Securities, The Active Stock, which had risen on Wednesday to 184, fell back to l81 in the course of that day ; and yesterday morning, nit the resignation of' Count Moat becoming known, rose f'roin 184 to 204-, but fell back to 191, to rally again before the close of business to 20 ft. This morning, the opening price was 201 ; and, after declining to 20k, the Stock again rallied to 205, and closes at 20. g.

The Portuguese Bonds have not experienced so much fluctuation; the rise in price not being above 1 per cent.

The Railway Shares are generally heavy, and there seems but little disposi- tion for speculation or investment in this description of securities. All the current varieties arc from 11. to 31. below last week's prices: but this decline has not been occasioned by any considerable sales, the business transacted having been unimportant.

SAIoaDAV, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Funds are rather firmer, Consols having been done at 92,1 both for Money and Acconet. New Three-and-a-half per Cents, have 1 seen done at 100; and Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents. at 100?,. Eschequer Bills are 63 05 prem. Bank Stork 204., and India Stock (nominally) 255. Long Annuities are 15 1-16. In the Foreign Market, the only variation of Mi.- portance is in Spanish Stuck, which has been at 201, but is now 20j L. The other varieties are the same as yesterday. The Railway Shares are generally heavy, with little doing, at the following prices. Great Western 10 11 ; Bir- mingham 76 78; Ditto Quarter Shares 23 4 prem.; Croydon 131; Green- wich 14 17 ; Southampton 42 43 per Share.

SATURDAY, FOUR cser.ora.

Consols close I\ per cent. higher, and have been clone at 924. The only alteration that has occurred in the Foreign Market has been in Spanish Stsek, which closes firmly nt 2W. for Account, 201 4 for February. There appears to be a revival of speculation in the Railway Shares, and they are all in demand at an advance upon the morning's prices. Mexican Six per Cents. have given way nearly 1 per cent., and have been done at 24. The other South American Stocks continue the same.

3 per Cent. Censcas ..ex div. 94 4, Brazilian 5 per Cents 74 9

Ditto for Account 02.1 * Danish 3 per Cents 76

3 per Cent. Reduced. 931 # Dutch 21 per Cents 551 New 31 per Cent. AIMS 991 100 Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 351 6 Bank Stork, 2024 Ditto 3 per Cent. 221 3 India Stuck 2551 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.... 114 1.

Ditto Bonds -- Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.... 201 ft Exchequer Bills 63 65pm Deferred Stock 91 Belgian 5 per Cents 981 9 Passive Ditto 51