26 JANUARY 1856, Page 8

The usual anticipatory summary of the overland mail from India

ar- rived by telegraph today. The latest date is Bombay 2d January, Hongkong December 16.

"Bills have been passed for turning the Santa country into a non- regulation province. The kingdom of Oude is to be sequestered, and the administration entrusted to General Outram.

"The rebellion still continues in the interior of China, and paralyzes trade. The American Commodore Abbott is dead.

"Lord Canning left Suez on the 13th January, for Bombay."

The Champion of the Seas, which arrived at Liverpool yesterday, brought advices from Melbourne to the 27th October. A public meet- ing at Melbourne had severely censured the conduct of Sir Henry Young, Lieutenant-Governor of Tasmania.OR may be recollected that the Legis- lative Council of Tasmania asserted the right to examine witnesses before a Select Committee ; that the Executive contested the right; and that in the midst of the conflict, Sir Henry Young, late at nighti abruptly en- tered the Council during a debate, and prorogued it. His proceedings are described as hasty, unconstitutional, and arbitrary. A meeting at Glamorgan, in Tasmania, has also adopted resolutions strongly condemn- ing the conduct of Sir Henry Young.