26 JANUARY 1856, Page 8


STOCK EXCHANGE, Faro:tit AFTERNOON. After the extensive improvement last week in Government Securities, with no further political intelligence, there was little disposition to pro- mote speculations for the rise ; and until the middle of this week the trans- actions were of the ordinary character. The market had occasionally a ten- dency to recede, and Consols were repeatedly dealt in at 89/. On Wednes- day there was a renewal of activity, and an advance of about 1 per cent, through an intimation that the Russian army in the Crimea had received instructions from St. Petersburg to suspend hostilities. The Funds were lase strengthened by firmness on the Paris Bourse, and a statement that the English and French Governments were unanimous in their course of pro- ceeding with the approaching negotiations. Yesterday there was a further rise of L and Consuls were dealt m at 91. Today several Money sales have been effected, and profits realized on Stock for Account. The Funds are 1 lower ; Consuls for Moneybeing 901 j, and for Account 90i 1. Exchequer Bills are 2s. better. Beni and India Stocks have continued stationary. There has been much speculation during the week on the probable nature of the Queen's Speech, and its effect upon prices is expected to be consider- able. Under the anticipations of peace, the markets for Russian produce are dull, at a ftuther decline. Money continues at full rates in the Stock Exchange and out of doors ; partly the ettivt of the final payment on the Turkish Loan, due today. In Paris the rate is 51 to 6 per cent, and the settle- ment at the end of the month is expected to be heavy : the exchange on London has declined. At Amsterdam prices are steady, and there has been a further rise in Russian. The Vienna money-market is firm, and the Funds are stated to have advanced 4 per cent.

The shipments of specie to India have increased : the Euxine took out 255,6411., which with the exception of 20,6901. was in silver.

In Foreign Stocks, the demand has been very extensive, and many secu- rities have experienced a great improvement. The most remarkable has been in the following-Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Sardinian, 5; Russian Five per Cents, 4 ; Austrian, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Buenos tyres, 3; Brazilian, Peruvian Three per Cents, Swedish, and Venezuela, 2. Turkish Six per Cents have been fluctuating : they have been done as high as 92, but are today 90 1. There has been this week a rise of 1 per cent in Belgian, Chilian, Danish Five, *Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, Mexican, Portuguese, and Spanish Three per Cents; Ditto Deferred, t.

In Railways, business has been transacted on a more extended scale, and the public have been buyers of the leading descriptions. The highest prices have not been maintained, but the following improvement is still exhibited -Great Northern and Midland, 21.; North-Eastern-Berwick, 3/. ; Ditto York, 2/. 108. ; Great Western, and London and North-Western, 11. 108. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, U. 5s. ; East Lancashire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and South-Western, 1/. ; South-Eastern, 108.


The English Funds are 1 better this morning, Consuls for Money being 901 f, and for Account sot I, Exchequer Bills 62 discount. The Money return by the 13ank of Erigland exhibits a 'small increase-41361f. There was an arrival of gold yesterday from Australia valued at 496,0001., a portion of which, it is expected, (as the accounts from the Bank of France lately arc- believed to have been more favourable,) will be deposited in the Bank of England. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing new, except in Turkish . Six per Cents, which are 1 better ; they have been done at 91; the Scrip is I discount-. Railways are fl little higher-Eastern Counties, 9; Great Northern, 95 - Lancashire and Yorkshire, 80/ ; London and North-West- ern, 981 ; Midland, 681; North-Eastern-Yorlr, 48; South-Eastern, 61t.


The English Funds have been very firm since the morning, and close upoif an advance of 1 ; Consols for Money are now 901 1, and for Account 91 1. Exchequer Bills 6 2 discount. Annuities 1885 169-16. In Foreign Stocks there has been a further improvement in Turkish; the bargains in the Six per Cents have been at. 91 901 lf.1 ; Ditto New Four per Cents (late Scrip), 1021 1.; Equador, 51 ; Ditto New Consolidated, 14/ 14; Greek, 64;. Venezuela, 28 /.

In Railways there has been a deinand fin. stock, and they close a little higher--Caledonian, 117; Eastern 'Counties, 9 ; Edinburgh, Perth, mid Dundee 214; Circuit. Northern, .95 ;' 'Ditto A Stock, 791 ; Great Western, 56 ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 741 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 80; London and Blackwell, 61; London; Brighten, and South Coast, 98k; London and North-Western„.99; London and South-Western, 87/ ; Manchester, Shef- field, and ,Lincolnshire, 25A• Midlahd, 684 ; North 'British, 301 ; North- Eastern-Berwick, 731 ; Ditto York, 481; North Staffordshire, 10; Scottish Central, 1031 ; South-Eastern, 614; East Lincoln Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 131. Preference Shares Eastern Counties Extenaion 5 per Cent No. 1, 1 prem. ; Ditto New 6 per Cent Stock, 12 L Great Northern 5 per Cent Redeemable at 10 per Cent Prem., ion ; North British, 100; North- Eastern-Berwick 4 per Cent Preference, 92 ; East Indian, 22 ; Ditto Extension, 161 • Great Western of Canada, 261 ; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 5i ; Ditto Obligations, 511 ; Namur and Liege, (with interest,) 4 ; Paris and Lyons, 47; Sambre and .Meuse, 9. Mine- Waller, 1--. Joint Stock Banks-Chartered Bank of Asia, 5; City, 68; Coloial, 201 ; London 62; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 174;

Ditto NeW, 34; Oriental Corporation, 404. Miscellaneous--Auetralian' Agricultural, 46 ; Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 108;

A Crystal Palace, • General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 15; Penin- sular and Oriel' 'Steam, 62; Peel River Land and Mineral, 24; Scottish Australasian Investment, lf ; South Australian Land 36.

3 per Cent Consols 904 1 Danish 3 per Cents 82 5 Ditto for Account 91 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 64 8 3 per Cent Reduced 911 1 Ilia., 4 per Cents 95 7

New 3 per Cents ,

911 2 Mexican 3 per Cents 201 1 Long Annuities 31 Peruvian 41 per Cents 78 80 Bank Stock - 209 10 Ditto 3 per Cents 54 6 Exchequer Bills 6 2 ,ti. Portuguese 4 per Cents 47 9 India Stock 219 21 Russian 5 per Cents 101 4 Austrian 5 per Cents 84 7

Ditto Li per Cents

91 3 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents

Belgian 41 per Cents 93 5 Ditto Deferred

211 311

Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90

Danish 5 per Cents

102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 86 9


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 19th day of Jam 1836.


Notes issued £24,283,870 Government Debt £12,015,100

Other Securities 3.439,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 9,868,870

Silver Bullion -

£24,283,870 I £24,283,870


Proprietors' Capital £14,553,900 Government Securities (inelu- Rest 3,363,212 ding Dead Weight Annuity). 413,728,248 Public Deposits* 3,838,237 Other Securities 18,857,066 Other Deposits 13,512,245 Notes 4,918,200 Seven Days and other Bills... 825,250 Gold and Silver Coin 818,942 - £36,114,914 £38,114,944 . including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Aorta.


The report of the Brighton Railway has been issued. The receipts of the last half-year have been 408,6061.-an increase of 12,1641. over the cone- Wilding period of 1864. As the capital of the company is nearly all ex-

pended, more charges now fall on revenue : the company have paid 14,773/. as compensation for the Croydon accident ; the net amount to the credit of revenue is 137,5741. • and after the payment of a dividend of 2/. 18.r. per cent there will be a fialance of 37211.

The directors of the North Staffordshire Company mention in their report, that they have been unsuccessful in their efforts to prevail on the London and North-Western Company either to satisfy their claim or submit it to the arbitration of the gentlemen under whose award it is preferred ; and that the petition for renewed application to Parliament for amalgamating the two Companies, on being tendered for approval has been re- turned unsealed. The traffic-receipts for the half-year to 31st De- cember 1855 amounted to 45,627/. for passengers, and 62,2194 for goods-total 107,8461., and including the canal receipts 174,1211.; i

showing an crease of 32,6071. An action is pending between the two companies, and stands for trial at the sittings after Hilary term. It was to recover 37,704/., the balance of 43,9781. duo from the London and North-Western, reduced by payment of 6274/. on account of the Manches- ter traffic under the agreement of 1860. In answer, the London and North- Western have placed upon record thirty-nine pleas, as reasons for non- fulfilment of the agreement, and as arguments in avoidance or mitigation of the claim. The traffic for the half-year, with the receipts undivided to the 30th of June, will enable the recommendation of a dividend of 2 per cent, or 7s. per share ; leaving unappropriated the claims against the London and North-Western Company.

The original shareholders in the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, will receive a dividend of 58. per 100/. stock for the last half-year : for the preceding half-year they received nothing.

The dividend of the Ulster Railway for the last half-year is 288. per share.

The Board of Trade certified, on Thursday, a further addition of 100,000/. to the subscribed capital of the Royal British Bank (now 300,0001.) on which 50 per cent has been paid. During the year, 172 now shareholders have subscribed the deed of settlement.

The dividend declared at the half-yearly meeting of the Union Bank of Australia, on Monday,. was at the rate of 27/. per cent per annum-3 per cent less than the last dividend. Prudence compelled a oontraction of opera- tions in Australia, and profits were rather less in ainount. The totals of some of the Reins in the accounts, made up to 30th June last in Australia and to the 31st December in England, were-circulation, 465,919/. ; de- posits, 2,564,4011.; reserve-fund, (100,000!.; total assets, 4,993,997/.

The dividend of the London and Eastern Banking Company for the last half-year is 3 per cent.

The St. Katharine Dock Company have declared a dividend of 4 per cent per annum. The Docks have had a.good share of business last year ; more than in 1854, a very little less than in 1853; but the shipping trade of Lon- don entering inwards has considerably decreased since 1853.

A "London Wine Company (Limited) " has been provisionally registered. Capital, 50,000/, in 10/. shares. The object of the company is to supply pure wines and spirits at reasonable prices, and to endeavour to introduce into more extensive use the light wines of the Continent. Mr. Henry Ito- bertaon, of the late old-established firm of Shaw, Maxwell, and Co., is managing Director. The pacific tone of the news last week did not cause so large an amount of business in Manchester as aught have been anticipated : orders to buy largely arrived by telegraph, but sellers asked so great an advance that business- was checked. In Birmingham, while the iron-manufachirers looked forward to a great trade if peace should come, the gunmakers and sword-cutlers had but gloomy forebodings.

The American ship City .of Mobile has called at Cowes with very nearly the largest quantity of gram and bread-stuffs ever sent from New -York in one ship-74,155 bushels of wheat, and 2350 barrels of flour.