26 JANUARY 1901, Page 13


Smr–Under the docket, "Links with the Past," your corre- spondent, R. St. J. Corbet, alludes to certain fortunate recipients of the kisses of the great Duke and Disraeli. Shortly before the death of Mrs. Grote I lent her a review which I had written of a new series of Blucher's letters, which, she said, would have a special interest for her. And I remarked, "Perhaps you saw old Vorwarts when he visited England in 1814 ? " "Saw him," replied Mrs. Grote in proud accents, "why, Blucher kissed me ! I was a very handsome girl, and went with a lot of other young women to St. James's Palace to congratulate the hero, who, liking my looks, selected me for the honour of a kiss." Mrs. Grote was much pleased to learn that the interview in question figured in one of the letters which formed the subject of my review.—I am,