26 JANUARY 1929, Page 1

Japan is evidently anxious to end the deadlock with China;

and there is every. reason to believe that the Chinese- _Government is equally anxious: But Japan eels that it is- essential that the anti-Japanese boycott should-be suppressed before a final agreement is reached on the tariff and on other Matters. At present the boycott is-rigiirous: Meanwhile a provisional tariff arrangement his been made: Japan recognizes the new tariff schedule which will come into force on February 1st, and thui virtually. acknowledges Chinese independence without the aid of a Treaty. The Chinese. view. is that there can be no final agreements about anything until Japanese troops withdraw from .Shanturig: China is as emphatic about this 'its-Japan is about the boycott. On Tuesday Baron 'Tanaka, the Japanese • Foreign -Minister, made a friendly ...speeeh. about China, which he declared that JaPan would not only respect the sovereignty of China over Manchuria, but would do all she could to preserve the principle of the open door. Japan was determined, however, to take whatever action might be necessary if the vital interests of Japan were put in jeopardy.

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