26 JANUARY 1929, Page 18

OUR ABERDARE FUND [To the Editor. of .the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—At

our meeting of the Aberdare " Chamber of Trade " —on the 15th instant--.–it was unanimously' resolved that I, as Chairman; should write to you on their behalf and exPreis to you their very sincere appreciation of the substantial and timely assistance which you have so generously given— through the medium of the Spectator—to the distressed - in

this stricken area.; - I was directed to emphasize their heartfelt thanks for your kindly acquiesence to their former suggestion as to ,the distribution of " coupons " among our town's tradespeople, which I assure you has proved to be a great boon in this time of stress.

With regard to the introduction of new industries to this district, the only feasible one, in our opinion, is " afforesta- tion," as the very high rates 'would- strangle any other enterprise, unless some special arrangenient could be 'made with our Local Council.—I am, Sir, &c., D. R. GRI*PTTHS, Chairman,

' The Aberdare Chamber of .Trad4 Pantazvel," 48 Cardiff Street, Aberdare.-