26 JANUARY 1929, Page 37


. An.. excellent balance sheet is presented by the National. Provincial Bank, the figures showing an increase of nearly, £17,000,000 in Deposits at £290,310,253, while the expansion of acceptance business is indicated by a rise of over £7,500,000 in the Acceptances, Endorsements, and Engagements, at 219,563,740. On its assets side the balance sheet indicates a position of notable liquidity, Cash standing at 134,362,652, as compared with 232,078,961,_ while Money, at Call was over £4,000,000 higher at £25,920,942 and Bills Discounted stood at £43,547,739, as compared. with £38,993,472, a notable departure having been made on this occasion in the presen- tation of this last item by showing the amount of the Treasury Bills included in it, Ulla being £28,765,000. That the bank has not failed to assist trade is .indiested by the rise in the total of Advances by nearly £4,000,000 at a figure of £150,523,520.

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