26 JANUARY 1934, Page 19


SIR,—In a letter published in your last number, Mr. Munn writes of sub-conscious mental processes, and suggests that what seems to a man a revelation may be the result of such processes suddenly pushed up into personal consciousness. Surely we must distinguish. No doubt many of our purposes and impulses do thus arise ; but one would be sorry to think it of all of them. In fact, to distinguish between the impulses of the subliminal self and revelations coming from the divine Spirit, is a matter of great difficulty. But it has to be done, or we shall fall into complete atheism, " Conformity to the best reason " is not an adequate test, though here as in all the phenomena of consciousness reason has a place.. A far sounder test is that of life and experience.. When a man has followed such a leading, and found it to conduct him to virtue and happiness, he will be the more ready to ,trust it again, and so form a habit. It is safe to suspect that impulses which tend to the indulgence or glorification of self come from within. But beyond that, it is extremely difficult to draw the line. And anyone who is used to reading chapters of religious history will know how great saints and religious leaders have con- .stantlymade mistakes between God and self, between good and evil. In fact, sinless one accepts an infallible church, there can be no simple and obvious line : our whole lives are a moral training to instruct us in the matter.—I am, Sir, &c.,