26 JANUARY 1934, Page 3

Hitler's First Year : A "Spectator " Enquiry

Herr Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the German Reich on January 30th, 1933. He has thus been in control of his country for just a year.

What is the general situation in Germany at the end of that period ? Is the Chancellor's personal power shaken or consolidated ? Is the economic condition of the country improving ? Is the alleged reduction of unemployment genuine or not ? Is Herr Hitler depending simply on emergency measures, devised to meet new situations as they arise, or is something like a new philosophy of government taking shape ? What does the latent opposition to the regime amount to ? has terrorism diminished ? What will be the outcome of the revolt in the Protestant Church against the Reichsbisehof ? What are Germany's external ambitions Does Hitler want war ? Is German youth militarist ?

No accurate estimate of Germany after a year of Hitlerism is possible till these and other similar questions are answered.

- With a view to providing more considered answers to them than day-to-day reports in the daily papers claim to furnish, The Spectator has arranged with a well-known authority on contemporary Germany, Mr. H. Powys Greenwood, to visit the country specially and write a series of articles on the situation as he sees it.

- Mr. Greenwood, after coming down from Cambridge, lived in Germany for six years (from 1925 to 1931) and knew the life of the country intimately. He has returned twice—once- for a period of two months—since, the Hitler revolution, and is now making a third visit on behalf of The Spectator.

lie is neither a supporter nor an opponent of the Nazi regime, and he has been asked simply to investigate the facts and present them objectively as he sees them. Mr. Greenwood is at present in Berlin, after which he will visit other parts of the Reich. His first article will appear in next week's Spectator,