26 JANUARY 1940, Page 28

Horizon. Edited by Cyril Connolly. (is. a month.)

SINCE the decease of The Criterion and The London Mercutt, this country, unique in this respect among the major States

of Europe, has lacked a literary magazine of any consequence. On these grounds alone Horizon would deserve support. h fact, the contents of its first two numbers are good enough to be given less tepid praise. Mr. Connolly has struck a nice balance between the popular and the eclectic, printing article

by Mr. Priestley and Sir Hugh Walpole, stories by hir. H. E. Bates and Mr. G. F. Green, poems by Mr. Prokos Mr. Betjeman, Mr. MacNeice and Mr. de la Mare, and a personal diary by Mr. Stephen Spender. The Editor very wisely decided that there is little point in a lire monthly printing straightforward reviews, but a great deal point in publishing critical essays of the kind for which we papers have too rarely space : the criticism so far printed all been particularly worth reading. While Horizon has 11 yet printed anything of shattering importance, it is obviou a paper well worth keeping alive. It is pleasantly got UP.