26 JULY 1879, Page 3

The division on Lord Hartington's motion concerning Flogging in the

Army, shows that a great many of his ordinary followers absented themselves without pairing,—being in high dudgeon at his sudden change of front on a oubject on which they had supported him with some enthusiasm, believing that the dis- eipline of the British Army was endangered by the anti- flogging proposals of the Radicals. We have admitted else- where, that perhaps it would have been better if Lord Hart- ington had taken his followers into consultation on the subject, as Sir Stafford Northeote did, before asking them to change their attitude. But the mistake was one natural to Lord Harting- ton,—a sin of omission akin to the sin of commission from which Mr. Chamberlain suffered, when Lord Hartington snubbed him so severely for doing that which Mr. Bright, and Mr. Forster, and Sir Henry James had done also. If Englishmen -Will prefer a leader of ancient blood—as they do—they must take him with the defects of his qualities, as well as their excel- lences. Lord Fartington will be always in danger of snubbing where he need not snub, and failing to consult those whom he ought to consult. But there is a good side to the defect ; and there is, besides, no help for it.