26 JULY 1879, Page 3

We have a great respect, a respect which we have

often and -earnestly expressed, for the political work of Mr. Tracy Turner-

; but we are not sure that he is not carrying his beneficent function almost to extremes, in proposing to exhibit, as he is about to do, in Rochdale, the Rejected 'Wreath, and to lecture upon it,— even though this kind offer is made, as we are assured, in the in- terest of the distressed workpeople. No doubt, to gaze upon the Rejected Wreath will be grateful to distressed workpeople, and may bring healing to their spirits. But is this kind of mis- sionary work consistent with common humanity to Lord Bea- eon [afield P We see that Mr. Tracy Turnerelli deprecates strongly the notion of exciting party spirit against Lord Beaconsfield, nor should we think it likely that party spirit either against or in favour of Lord Beaconsfield could by any possibility be so excited. Schoolboys do not excite party spirit against an unfortunate -companion by pinning a dish-cloth to his jacket, but they make him feel the results very uncomfortably all the same, and we .doubt whether Mr. Tracy Turnerelli should be permitted to apply, so freely as he does, the political blister his ingenuity has invented to the great statesman's somewhat tumid fame. It should be possible surely to get help for the distressed work- people of Rochdale, without the repetition of these cruel experi- ments on a living Minister.