26 JULY 1913, Page 2

In the House of Commons on Tuesday Mr. Pease gave

an outline of the Government's scheme of educational reform which is to be introduced next year. We can only mention some of the chief points of his apeech.. Voluntary schools will remain part of the system, though concessions will be made to Nonconformists in single-school areas. The compulsory school age will be raised. Local authorities will be compelled to provide "intermediate " education for all who desire it, and a complete "educational ladder" will be established for all classes. Powers to provide meals on Sundays and holidays will be granted. Advisory councils will be established to co-ordinate effort and prevent overlapping. Finally, sub- stantial financial assistance will be given in relief of local rates. " The Government policy is a large one," said Mr. Pease. "It will be expensive. But we shall be prepared to foot the bill."