26 JULY 1935, Page 2

Air Manoeuvres Over London During the week the nights have

been loud with aeroplanes all round London, while large forces of bombers and fighters have been engaged in manoeuvre war, attacking and defending the Metropolis. Attempts have been made this year to render the exercises still more realistic than hitherto, and the bombers have been operating for the most part at heights of over 10,000 feet. The tests for the Observer Corps have been all the stiffer, because searchlights have only been used in one area. These manoeuvres do not only exercise those engaged. Much has in the past been learned from them ; though some things, of course, cannot be. It is inter- esting in that connexion to record a remark by Lord Feversham, speaking for the Government in the Lords' debate on protection against air attacks. He . suggested that it was easier on the whole to guard a civil population against gas then against high explosive. * * * *