26 JULY 1935, Page 2

Mr. Baldwin on the Peace Ballot A deputation led by

Lord Cecil waited upon the Prime Minister last Tuesday to present to him the results of the Peace Ballot. The speakers took the opportunity of explaining to Mr. Baldwin that the organization which had secured more than eleven million votes in favour of a League of Nations policy was not a party one, and that it had been eagerly supported by all the churches, by women's associations and other disinterested agencies, and by the masses of the working classes. Mr. Baldwin's reply shows that the Peace Ballot has not been in vain. It enables him to recognize that there is a " large volume of public opinion " behind efforts to maintain the authority of the League, and that such support is valuable to the Government. And it may safely be assumed that the Ballot gave confidence to him when he said that the League of Nations is " the sheet anchor of British policy " —a statement which in one form or another has again and again been boldly stated since the National Declara- tion Conference made its striking report.
