26 JULY 1935, Page 6

It was very like Mr. Herbert Morrison to talk heresy

at the Architectural Association's School of Architecture and speak as if he were the most orthodox person in London when he made up his mind to destroy Waterloo , Bridge. There are not many people who would' talk So confidently about their' more flagrant misdeeds. IS-it sheer bluff on his. part, or is it self-deception, to .

say that public opinion is practically • 100 per cent. behind the London County Council when, to serve no useful purpose, it begins pulling down the monument of • Rennie ? He used a favourite device of rhetoricians when he endeavoured to confuse admiration for the old bridge with lack of respect for the , new architecture. If Mr. Morrison were true to his principlesand had the chance . would pull down Westminster Abbey and erect a Shell-Mex building in its place. It must be very pleasant for him to have so little consciousness of sin in this Matter that he can positively " feel that he has had the best of the argument all' along." * *• • *