26 JULY 1940, Page 14


sm,—When the history of events leading to the present war will be given their true perspective one man and one man alone will be condemned by the British people for not warning this nation of the consequences of a war with Germany. Knowing the situation as he did, Mr. Chamberlain should have pursued a more vigorous policy of rearmament, a firmer foreign policy, giving his people the true facts of German aims and German war strength.

He will be condemned for: 1. Trusting that a British and French guarantee of Poland would be sufficient to prevent Germany invading that country. 2. Failing to maintain the balance of power in Europe. 3. Pursuing a policy of Appeasement, bordering on Isolation, whilst at the same time giving guarantees to European States.

As far back as September, 1938, I heard Mr. Eric J. Patterson, Principal of Ashridge College, say that if Britain became involved in a European war it would be over Poland. I was led to believe that this was the opinion of the Central Office and that the Chamberlain Government were well prepared for this eventuality. On August 25th, 1939, an agreement of mutual assistance was concluded in London between Poland and Britain. But two days earlier a non-aggression Pact had been signed between Germany and the U.S.S.R., of which Article 4 says: "Neither of the two contract- ing parties shall participate in any grouping of Powers which is directed directly or indirectly against the other Party." The Chamber- lain Administration had been outwitted and it was now left to Britain and France to fight alone with every powerful neutral country siding with Germany ; for the Berlin-Rome-Tokio Axis was not broken and Hitler, for once keeping a promise to his people, would not fight again on two fronts.

Unlike your correspondents the Misses Gram I am still a Conserva- tive, but one who would wish to drive a too-ton tank through the ranks of the Old Brigade. A statesman who has contributed largely to the downfall of democracy in other countries should never be allowed to remain in the present administration. D. MUIR jENKINS. " &Wynne," Cecil Road, Gowerton, Swansea.