26 JULY 1940, Page 14


Ste,—If overseas evacuation is now possible the neediest classes are obvious: little children, orphan children, children who, for various reasons, cannot be evacuated from crowded areas, and children whose education is seriously affected by the already existing evacuation within this island.

We were told that richer classes were to be rationed in strict proportion. That is a just principle ; but while newspapers publish names and numbers of upper-class children who have safely arrived, people ask how many of the less fortunate have been even embarked. Perhaps many—if so, let the publication of figures prevent what will otherwise be a potent cause of social embitterment.

Further, any considerable exodus from schools which claim to give unique training in qualities of leadership will prove a particular menace to the future of those schools. In any event, the "refugee spirit, so strongly challenged by "A Parent" in The Times of June 20th, is fatal to victory. The boys and girls of today will have the task of ordering the new world which must follow our victory; the necessary creative power can only be engendered if they experience at first hand something of the critical time of that new world's birth. The Vision of the Future belongs to the youth of Britain ; faith that just cause must prevail and courage to live and work (and if need be to suffer somewhat) for it will alone enable them to determine upon

it.—Yours faithfully, R. J. SHIRLEY. Canyon Bay, St. Austell, Cornwall.