26 JULY 1940, Page 27


IA prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first met solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be wrked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on 'ednesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Wednesday. Solutions hould be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in to nevi issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a 21d. stamp, otherwise they s,neharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.) 2 t


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1. Every new Prime Minister as artisan (12).

9. One has to stand to it (9). to. My sea doesn't look so good hlte this (5).

x. Roman in a scrum (6).

12. Describing Swift's corre- spondence? (8).

13. Where Shylock was rated (6). 15. Some get them at home, some travel to them (8).

18. Pickled churchman near Brighton (8).

19. Office desk (6).

21. "Heard - are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter" (Keats) (8).

23. The Editor gets round Musso (6).

26. Mostly a nameless churchman (5).

27. Nice later for a change (9).

28. The pretty little girl of Paddington Green (2 words) (5, 7)- DOWN r. "How happy could I be with either, were t'other dear - away! " (Gay) (7).

2. Tribe gone mordant (5).

3. The litigant had no luck with his tailor (9).

4- "One of us was born a -; And not a soul knew which" (Leigh) GO. 5. Tate's year? (8).

6. A supporter of art (5).

"With what sweep at West- minster the - waters run" (Flecker) (7).

8. A turn for the horseman (8).

14. The ancient mariner was thus on a wide, wide sea (2 words) (3, 5).

16. One who has a " pealing " voice? (9).

17. The stuff of a tame liar (8).

18. They take us back to a con- fused chasm (7).

20. Not review order (7). 22. Kipling's yellow dog (5).

24. Incomplete coating (5).

25. One is invited to mind it (4).