26 JULY 1968, Page 32

Crossword no.1336

Across 1 'There is in souls a — with sounds' (Cowper) (8) 5 Philosopher of the self-service stores? (6) I hope that it will be enough to induce some to want to read the original.

White, Master. Black, Amateur. Opening. English. [Game No. 3.] 1 P-QB4 Kt-KB3 2 Kt-QB3 P-K3 3 P-K 4 P - Q 4 4 P-K5 P-Q5 5 P x Kt P x Kt

6 Kt P x P . . . I have already omitted a page

and a half of notes but here there is a very interesting note on pawn formations with doubled pawns. To quote: 'The rule of thumb for doubled Pawns is that if there are two united blocks of Pawns opposing each other and on the same files, but separated from other Pawn blocks, the doubled Pawn does not count. But as soon as one has a Pawn on a file where the opponent has no Pawn, then the doubled Pawn does count when it is a question of forcing a passed Pawn'. Thus, if 6QP X P White would not be able to force a passed pawn on the queen's side. There is much more to it than this, but this is an interesting basic treatment of pawn formations.

Q x P 7P-Q4 P-QKt3 Better 7. . . P - B 4 at once, attacking Whites central position.

8 B-K2 B-Kt2 9 8-83 P-B3? A fundamental error of judgment; he has not realised how weak his queen's side now becomes. 9. . . B X B; 10 Kt x B, B - Q 3 is correct.

10 Kt-K2 B-Q3 11 P-QR4! P-QR4? A long note Is given to show that whatever Black plays White will get the advantage. The 9 Forgery going to extremes apparently (8) 10 Being in orange makes the donkey wild (6) 12 Room for ballads (7) 13 Solon in flight, in a manner of speaking (3-4) - 14 Fun fair revolvers that keep their patrons on edge! (6-6) 17 Leading pussyfoot drink for a chartist (3, 2, 3,4) 22 'I will eat my hat.' its wearer could well s.iy (4-3) 23 'Speak — to your little boy' (Carroll) (7) 24 The Rose of Landor (6) 25 13 fore-and-aft with more staying power? (8) 26 Report on composition: 'Tries'? (6) 27 They're revolting at times! (8) Down 1 How does the painter strike the surgeon? (6)

2 Tea and rum is for the grown-ups! (6)

3 Talk of Midas! (7) 4 Desdemona's belonged to her mother-in-law (12) 6 Party leader in the Glen is a picture (7) 7 Leaves from Hakluyt containing knotty prob- lems? (3-5) 8 Not, however, an order to a knight to give over (8) 11 Phileas Fogg's valet has the master-key (12) 15 Arrest the bell-hop in the road-block (8) 16 'And life's enchanted cup but — near the brim' (Byron) (8) 18 Shylock would not have its sound enter his sober house (7) 19 Furthered sales promotion in the manner of Mr Bung? (7) 20 There's no 8 for Mrs Mopp according to him! (6) 21 In spite of being spotty, they're laughter- makers (6) Solution next week

Solution to Crossword no. 1335. Across: I Margate

5 Salt-cat 9 Novella 10 Elysium 11 Carpenters 12 Lama 13 Hen 14 Laconically 17 Greenhouses 19 Var 20 Hose 22 Deprecates 26 America 27 Denoted 28 Scandal 29 Resides. Down: 1 Manic 2 Reverence 3 All-heal 4 Exact 5 Shearings 6 Lays 7 China 8 Tom Sawyer 13 Hogsheads 15 Close call 16 Levitated 18 Seconds 21 Sheba 23 Radar 24 Sides 25 Gild.

text is played to stop P - R 5 but the cure is worse than the disease and 11 . . . B - B 2 is relatively best.

12 R-QKtl! Kt-Q2 13 P-BS! B-B2 14 P x P Kt x P 15 B- R 3 . . . The position is transformed. White has exchanged his doubled pawn, Black's pawn position is shattered, White threatens to win a piece by 16 B - B 5,Q - Q 1; 17 Q - Kt 3 and the White Q B prevents Black from castling. The game is lost.

15 . . . R-QKt 1 16 B-B5 B-R I

17 Kt-Kt 3 Kt-Q4 18 R x Rch B x R

19 Q-Kt3 Q-Q1

20 B X Kt! . . . seizing the correct moment for the exchange; Black dare 1Z01 play 20 . . . BP X B because of 21 Q - Kt 5 ch, Q - Q 2:

22 Q x B ch. After K P X B. however, he is exposed to further attacks on the K file.

20. . .KPxB 20 ...BXKI; 21 B X K P! B x P ch; 22 K x B, Q - B 3 ch; 24 K - Kt 1! and wins (24 . . . Q X B; 25. Q - Kt 8 ch, K - Q 2; 26 Q - R 7 ch and 27

Q X B ch or 24 . . . P )( B; 25 Q - Kt 8 ch. K - B2; 26 Q x R).

210-0 B X Kt 22 BP X B P- B 3 23 R-K 1 ch K-B2 24 R-K7ch K-Kt 1

25 Q - B 2 P -Kt 3 26 Q - K 2 Resigns. '1 The double threat of Q - K 6 ch and of

R - K 8 ch is quite fatal. The amateur handled the opening satisfactorily but failed in the difii• cult period (moves 7-11) of transition from opening to middle game.