26 JULY 1969, Page 27

Chess 449


Specially contributed by Dom Joseph Coombe- Tennant (Downside Abbey). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week.

Solution to no. 448 (Kluver and Fabel): 1 K - K4!, Q - Q 1 (any other move allows White to lose his king at once); 2 K - Q 4 and wins. Whatever Black moves, White can put his king en prise and win. But not I K - Kt 47, Q - R 3! and Black will draw by making White lake the queen.

The following interesting game was played in the second round of the six-country Clare Benedict tournament at Adelboden this month; the match was drawn 2-2. It illustrates the depth to which modern opening analysis is carried and it shows how a very small change in the opening can affect the whole of the subsequent play.

White, Kuypers (Holland). Black, Lee (England). Opening, Sicilian Defence (Adelboden, July 1969, Board 4).

1 P K 4 P-Q 114 2 Kt-K B 3 P-Q 3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4 KtxP Kt-KB3 5 Kt-Q 11 3 P-Q R 3 6 P-B 4 Q-B 2

7 B-Q 3 Q Kt-Q 2? He should play P-Q Kt 4 first; this omission has a far-reaching effect as will be seen later. White now prevents the move.

8 P-Q R 4! P-K Kt 3 9 Kt-B 3 B-Kt 2

10 0-0 0-0 11 Q-K 1 P-K 4

12 Q-R 4 P-Kt 3 Here the position is the same as that in the game Penrose v Ree on Board 1 in the same match except that Ree's pawn was on Q Kt 4, not Q Kt 3 and Penrose's on Q R 3 not Q R 4. This mean! that Penrose had to adopt a much slower form of attack and, though he ultimately won, it was not through the better opening.

13 PxP! PxP 14 B-R 6 B-Kt 2

15 Kt-Kt 5 Q R-K I Ilere Black would like to play 15 . . . Kt-R 4!?; 16 B x B, K x B but this loses to 17 RxP eh!, Rx R; 18 Kt -K 6 ch.

16 P-K Kt 4! Q-B 4 ch 17 K-R 1 Q-Kt 5 18 R-B 3! Q x Kt P He might as well.

19 Q R-K B IQ x Kt 20 R-R 3 Q-Q 5 21 BxB KxB 22 Q-R 6 ch K-Kt 1

23 R(R3)-B3!... and not 23 Kt x R P7, Kt x KP! and Black wins (24 Kt-B 6 ch, Kt (5) x Kt chi). R-K 3! 77w only chance of pro- longing the game.

24 RxKt KtxR 25 RxKt BxPch!

26 Kt x B! . 26 BxB?, Q-Q 8 ch; 27 K-Kt 2, QxP ch and draws. Q x Kt ch Forced.

27 BxQ RxR With 2 Rand 2 PvQand B, Black can still fight.

28 Q-Kt 5 R-B5 29 QxP RxP 30 P-B 4 R-R 5 31 B-Q 5 R-R 4 32 Q-K 4 R-B 4 33 P-R 3 P-Q Kt47 Too hasty. 33 . . . R-Q I looks the best chance and if 34 Q-K 7 then 34 . . . R (4)x B; 35 PxR, R x P with drawing chances.

34 RPxP PxP 35 PxP R-Ql 36 B-B 4 R-Q 8 ch 37 K-Kt 2 R-Q 7 ch 38 K-Kt 3 R-Kt 7 39 Q-R 8 ch K-Kt 2 40 Q-R 1 R-B 7 41 0-R 7! R-Kt 7 ch 41 . . . R-B 3; 42 Q-Q 5 is hopeless.

42 K-B 3 K-R 3 43 Q-K 3 ch K-Kt 2 43 . . P-Kt 4 would postpone the result without changing it.

44 B-K 2! R(K Kt 7)x B 44 . . . R (K Kt 7) any other 45 Q-0 4 th and 46 Q x R.

45 Q x B Resigns The Q Kt P will queen.