26 JUNE 1830, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENINO.—Since our last report, and until this morning, the business done i4 the Stock Market was very unimportant, and Con- sols, for the opening in July, remained very nearly at the same price, viz. 921. This was also the opening price to-day ; but it very speedily gave way to 92i, and ulti- mately to 924, at which the Marker closed. This fall is, of course, no great matter ;. but, occurring at a time of little business, is as much discussed by our doctors as if It were office times the extent. It is, in fact, solely owing to one or two consider- able sales of Reduced 3 per Cents., for money, which have absorbed a considerable portion of the cash floating in the Market. and raised the rate of interest (which two or three days ago, was only 2f per cent.) to 4 per cent., on loans till Wednesday next. This rate of interest, however, will speedily draw money to the Market from other quarters, and is not likely to be obtained for many days.

India Bonds and Exchequer Bills keep their prices; and there is nothing deserv- ing of particular notice in any of the other Stocks.

In the Foreign Market there has been very little business indeed during the week..

The North American Bonds have been wholly neglected, but maintain the prices of last week, except Mexican, which are rather lower, notwithstanding the publica- tion of a long report and correspondence of the Committee of a meeting of Bond- holders. The Greeks would seem to have had their final quietus from Lord Aber- deen on ilfonclay night ; yet the price has not fallen more than 2 per cent., viz. so 36. Spanish has fluctuated between 18 and 18f, and is now about 18. The Confi- nental Bonds maintain their prices, but with very little dealing in them.

In Shares there is nothing further to remark, than that they are generally at the prices of last week.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE.—The death of the King, which was• known here before the opening of the Market, has not produced any unfa- vourable effect ; or rather, we should say, its effect has been anticipated by previous sales. In fact, parties who had formerly sold Stock in expecta- tion of the event, are now purchasers; and the price has risen to 921, buyels• for the Account.

Nothing whatever doing in the Foreign Market.