26 JUNE 1841, Page 10


The Globe gives the following account of the various changes which have been made in the Government- " Sir George Grey is to have the seals of the Daftly of Lancaster com- mitted to him, with a seat in the Cabinet ; who is succeeded as Judge-Advo- cate by Mr. Shell, late Vice-President of the Board of Trade. "3.fr. More O'Ferrall, Secretary of the Admiralty, has been appointed to the post of Financial Secretary of the Treasury, vice Mr. R. Gordon, resigned. Mr. O'Ferrall is succeeded at the Admiralty by Mr. Parker, (M.P. for Shef- field) late one of the Lords of the Treasury. "The Honourable E. J. Stanley, the other Joint-Secretary of the Treasury, has been appointed Paymaster-General of the Forces, in the place of Sir Henry Parnell; who, it is reported, retires from Parliament as well as from office. Mr. Stanley's successor as Under-Secretary of the Treasury is Mr. Le Merchant, of the Board of Trade ; whose election as Member for Harwich may be regarded as secure. "The Honourable Fox Hanle has been transferred from the Home Depart- ment, of which he was the indefatigable Under-Secretary, to the Vice-Presi- dency of the Board of Trade. Mr. Maule is succeeded by Lord Seymour, who has been transferred from the Secretaryship of the Board of Control in which post he is succeeded by Mr. C. Buller—an appointment which will be regarded as a well-merited recognition by the Government of Mr. Buller's acknowledged talents and consistent support and advocacy of Liberal prin- ciples. "Lord Plunket has at length resigned the Lord Chancellorship of Ireland. His Lordship's declining health has long prepared the public for this announce- ment. Sir John Campbell, the Attorney-General, is to be his Lordship's sac- cessor, who will be elevated to the Peerage previous to his receiving the seals of office.

"The vacancy in the number of Treasury Lords will, it is reported, be filled up by the appointment of the Honourable W. Cowper, now one of the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital. Mr. Bannerman, M.P. for Aberdeen, is named as Mr. Cowper's successor at Greenwich. Mr. J. Lefevre, one of the Poor-law Commissioners, is named as Mr. Le Marchant's successor at the Board of Trade."

Speaking of Sir John Campbell's appointment, the Morning Chronicle says- " We rejoice in this appointment, from his long and able services, and from the liberal and forbearing manner in which he has executed the duties of his office as Attorney-General ; from the important and valuable amendments of which he has been the author in the law ; but above all, from his steady and unflinching attachment to the cause of Reform. And we are sure our readers will appreciate both the consistency of his conduct and that of the Govern- ment in the appointment, when we state, which we do on unquestionable authority, that it has been conferred and accepted on the condition that the usual pension is not to attach to it on his resignation or removal from his new situation."

The Queen has been pleased to direct letters-patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Sir John Campbell, Knight, her Majesty's Attorney-General, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Campbell, of St. An- drew's, in the comity cf Fife.—London Gazette, June 22.

The Supplement to Tuesday's Gazette, published on Wednesday, an- nounces that Lord Campbell and Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill have been sworn of the Privy Council, and have taken their places accord- ingly.

Sir Thomas Wilde, says the Standard, has succeeded Sir John Camp- bell as Attorney- General. Mr. Jervis, Mr. Dundas, and others, have been talked of for the Solicitor-Generalship.

Captain Deans Dundas, Clerk of the Ordnance, is to be appointed one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and is to be succeeded in his office at the Ordnance by Colonel Anson—Morning Chronicle, June 23.

We are happy to be able to announce that Mr. William Power, the eldest son of Mr. Power the comedian, has received a Government ap- pointment in the Commissariat. The generous promptitude with which the office was conferred by Lord Melbourne, is deeply appreciated by Mr. Power's family, and the public will as gratefully respond to it.— Ideas.

Lord Stanley has sent the following letter to the Globe- " St. James's Square, 22d June 1841.

"Sir—In your paper of this evening you recommend every Roman Catholic 'to inquire, what hope have I in Stanley, who called me a perjured Papist ? ' I beg to be informed where, and on what occasion, you assert me to have made use of the above, or soy similar expression. The Globe replies- " Whether Lord Stanley ever used the expression 'perjured Papist,' we can- not say ; and we have not at our elbow the writer of the few words addressed to electors which furnish his Lordship with matter for complaint or question. But the substance of imputation of perjury to the Roman Catholic Irish electors may be found in any one of Lord Stanley's speeches on his late bill, and was very sufficiently shown by Lord Howick to be an uncalled-for imputation." This did not satisfy Lord Stanley : he says in a second letter, dated June 23d- " Your charge against me yesterday was, that every Roman Catholic ought to remember that I had called him a perjured Papist ': thelast words were in inverted commas, and purported to be the quotation of an expression. You now admit that you cannot say that I ever used the expression ; but that the substance of the imputation of perjury to the Irish Roman Catholic electors may be found in any of my speeches on my late bill.' Again, I am compelled to say, you misrepresent me: the distinction between Protestant and Roman Catholic was never, as far as I recollect, even glanced at in the whole course of the discussion on that bill. I did say, more than once, that the system of re- gistration in Ireland led to perjury ; but you will find no speech of" minewhich imputes perjury to a single Catholic, as a Catholic ; least of all to the Catholic electors as a body. Here I shall let the matter rest."

With a sneering allusion to the English Catholics which Lord Stanley may be supposed anxious not to offend, the Globe says- " It is only justice to the noble lord, which we are certainly bound to render him, to say that we do not believe he ever used such expressions; and that we regret such expressions should have appeared to be ascribed to him in our co- lumns. The short article was from a correspondent ; but our adoption, of course renders us responsible. We mention the fact, merely to say that we should not ourselves, even inadvertently, have ascribed such words to Lord Stanley ; nor should we have inserted the paragraph had we understood it as asserting that such words had been used; though we consider that the sweep- ing imputation of perjury on the Popular side in Ireland was thrown in sub- stance ; and are happy if it is not persisted in."

Some gossip has arisen upon the accidental opening of a letter which was directed to the Earl of Clarendon, but delivered to the Earl of Clanwilliam ; who, according to the Chronicle, not only read it, which he might have done before he was aware of his mistake, but divulged its contents.

The Morning Chronicle, to prove the incorrectness of the table of Parliamentary Members and candidates in the Times, an analysis of which we copied on Saturday last, gives a list of errors. The table of the Times made out great gains to the Tories and losses to the Whigs. The first part of the list in the Chronicle comprises the names of 34 "new candidates said to be coming forward, according to the Times, but not according to fact." In some of these cases, the new candidates, if they were really coming forward, would oppose other Tories ; in others an old story, as the standing of Mr. Robert Monteith at Glasgow, seems to be revived. Next the Chronicle gives the names of 9 "Tories retiring, not noticed in the Times statement "; then 11 "Whigs re- tiring according to the statement of the Times, but not according to fact" : in all 54. The statement of the Times made out an "aggregate Conservative majority "of 149: that majority the counter-statement of the Chronicle would reduce by 108; but it gives the list only as " spe- cimens " of inaccuracies.

Under the standing head of "Corn-laws and Commercial Reform," the Morning Chronicle has the following tale of Greenwich- " A popular demonstration, which showed the feeling with regard to the Corn-laws, was made in this borough yesterday, as her Majesty and suite passed through on their return to London, after witnessing the launch of the Trafal- gar. The Committee of Captain Dundas and Mr. Barnard, the Reform can- didates for the representation of the borough, caused a triumphal arch to be erected across the street. Over the centre of the arch were the words 'The Queen—God bless her,' surmounted by a wheat-sheaf; and on each side of the arch were wheat-sheaves, the inscription under the one being 'Lord John Russell and Plenty,' and under the other Lord Melbourne and Plenty.' Her Majesty, amid the loudest demonstrations of applause, descended from her carriage and walked through the arch ; when she again ascended, and drove on to town, amid a storm of cheers that sent dismay into the hearts of the Tories."

A strange story promulgated by Lord Mounteashel,at the meeting of a charitable society, has attracted some attention, in consequence of attacks which the Times has made upon its credibility. The tale ran thus. A young lady was accidentally left by a friend in a linendraper's shop in London, and a person who looked like a lady offered to take her home in her carriage. "By mistake" the coachman drove, not to the house of the young lady's friend, but to that of the owner of the carriage ; and it proved to be such a house as no virtuous woman could enter except through the basest treachery. She was detained, and shortly after a gentleman appeared : in him the young lady recognized the very clergyman who had prepared her for confirmation! His sub- sequent conduct to the young lady is said to have redeemed his fault in ever entering such a house. The Times doubted this story, and called for the name of the erring clergyman for the -vindication of the Church. Lord Mountcashel has written a letter to the paper, in which he reas- serts the truth of his account ; but says that the young lady "would be guilty of a base breach of promise, and be wanting in a proper sense of gratitude, if ever she told the name of her protector." "The occur- rence," says Lord Mountcashel, "is not more surprising than another that has come to my knowledge, which took place at Almack's under nearly similar circumstances. But when such adventures happen, for prudential reasons every exertion is made to hush them up." The foregoing case, indeed, is eclipsed by a shocking story which has been tested by criminal proceedings in Paris. Some years back, a Mrs. Brereton, living at Boulogne, took in charge, apparently for the purpose of instruction, two young English girls, .one of whom is now aged fifteen, the other twelve. She had a married daughter, a Mrs. Lusiguan. The family removed to Paris soon after; and Mrs. Lusignan formed an intimacy with a Baron St. Houain, at one time a captain in the French service, but now President of the Banque Philanthropique. One day she took the two children to the lodging of the Baron ; and while there actually aided him in the perpetration of unspeakable atro- cities. The children concealed their wrongs for some time ; and when the story creeped oat, the elder, urged, she has since said, by the entreaties of Mrs. Brereton, denied the whole. The younger girl always adhered to her tale. At length it reached the ears of the audio-

rides, and the Baron and his accomplice were tried before the seventh Chamber of Correctional Police, on Tuesday. A technical fault in the case saved the Baron, and he was acquitted. Lusignan was sentenced to be imprisoned for one year, to pay a fine of 100 francs, and to be deprived of her civil rights for two years.

The Paris papers of Wednesday have been received.

The entire budget of expenditure was voted by the Chamber of Peers on Friday, by 95 to 18. Marshal Soult assured the House that the army should be reduced by 60,000 men on the 1st July. The only item which provoked a discussion was that for the expenses in Algeria. Baron Mounier made an energetic protest against the cruel mode of warfare called razzia, destroying people and their habitations and grounds. Marshal Soult said that war had lately been conducted in a more humane manner, and arrangements had been made for an ex- change of prisoners. Paris, it is hinted in high quarters, is soon again to become the scene of festivity in consequence of the marriage of a member of the Royal Family. The exalted personage alluded to is not the Prince de Join- ville with a Princess of Holland, but the Princess Clementine with the brother of Prince Albert, consort of the Queen of England. The King and Queen of the Belgians are to grace the nuptials with their presence. Their Majesties are expected in Paris in about a month hence, and preparations are already commenced for their reception at the Tuile- rtes.—Galignanis Messenger, June 22.

The French papers of Wednesday mention a report that some doubt existed whether the Pope might not throw difficulties in the way of the marriage.

Advices from Madrid have been received to the 16th instant.

Queen Christina had returned an unfavourable reply to the requests of the Ministry that she would relinquish the guardianship of Queen Isabella the Second. Without giving a positive refusal, she had attached such conditions to her adhesion to the Ministerial proposition, that the Government could not possibly accept them.

The Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, to which the question of the guardianship had been referred, presented its report on the 13th. The Committee was of opinion that the Queen Dowager, not residing in Spain, could not discharge the functions of Guardian to Queen Isa- bella; and that, the office being now vacant, the Government should call a meeting of both Houses for the purpose of appointing a successor to her Majesty. It was believed that M. Arguelles would be elected Guardian. It was said that the Cortes would be prorogued on the 1st day of July, the Ministry intending to demand first an authorization to levy the taxes for the rest of the year. The next session is to open on the 15th October.

The Lisbon mail brings intelligence to the 14th instant. A decree of the 9th had appointed the following Ministry—President of the Council and Minister of the Home Department, Senhor Aguiar ; Foreign Affairs, Senhor R. F. Magalhaes ; Justice, Senhor C. Cabral ; Finance, Senhor Avila ; War, Conde de Villa Real ; Marine and Colonies, Senhor Pestana. The Duke of Terceira is appointed Military Governor of Lisbon, and Don Carlos el.e Mascaranhas Commander of the Municipal Guard. This Ministry is said to be of a decided Chartist character, and it may be expected to have a considerable majority in both Chambers.

The Ministry had clissolved the national battalions organized by the late War Minister.

Accounts from Constantinople of the 2d instant state, that on the preceding day a firman, with the unalterable ultimatum of the Porte, containing the three concessions recommended to the Sultan by the Four Powers, had' been despatched to Alexandria. The latest news from Bulgaria and Macedonia was of an unfavourable character.

From Athens we learn the curious fact that the King Queen, and Court, were warmly supporting the Candiots. So menacing was the aspect of affairs there, that Admiral Stopford had placed two ships of war at the disposal of our Minister, Sir E. Lyons.

The following is the reply of Mehemet Ali to an address recently presented to him from the merchants and bankers of London— "The undersigned is expressly charged by his Highness the Viceroy to testify to the merchants, bankers, and other persons of consideration in the city of London, the satisfaction felt on reading the address they have kindly directed to him.

" His Highness the Viceroy rejoices to see his intentions appreciated : he IAA always thought that the more difficult the circumstances, the more neces- sary it is to guard against any impassioned influence, and that humanity and Justice are the surest guides on similar occasions. His Highness cannot know whether his conduct in this respect will bear the fruits that are hoped from it ; but the conviction of having fulfilled his duties as a man and as a governor suffices to procure him that tranquillity of soul which is the greatest happiness in this world.

"The undersigned thanks, on the part of his Highness the Viceroy, the merchants, bankers, and other persons of consideration in the city of London, for the good wishes which, in their address, relate to his person, his family, and the countries to which they dedicate their career. His Highness hopes for the realization of those wishes in the concurrence of all well-intentioned men.

"The undersigned avails himself of this opportunity to offer the homage of the high consideration with which he has the honour to be their very obedient

bumble servant, " Bonuos Joussousr."

The Morning Chronicle gives the following extract of a private letter, bearing date the 27th April—" We have lately been plunged into great distress by the death of Sir John Jeremie, from a Port Locco fever. He died on the 23d, after an illness of twenty-one days."

The packet-ship South America has arrived at Liverpool, with intel- ligence from New York to the 2d instant.

The twenty-seventh Congress of the United States assembled at Washington on the 21st May. The House of Representatives having been organized, the election of Speaker was disposed of on the first vote. Mr. John White, of Kentucky, the Ministerial candidate, re- ceived 121 votes; and Mr. J. W. Jones, late chairman of the Ways and Means, 84. Next day, the President transmitted his message to both Houses. It is brief compared with the messages generally. He begins by pro- posing that Congress should reimburse the family of the late President for the expenses to which he must have been put in removing to occupy office for so short a time. He almost immediately enters upon the sub- ject of Foreign policy ; on which his views are highly pacific. Here is all that he says upon the subject-

" No important changes having taken place in our foreign relations since the last session of Congress, it is not deemed necessary on this occasion to go into a detailed statement in regard to them. I am happy to say that I see nothing to destroy the hope of being able to preserve peace. The ratification of the treaty with Portugal has been duly engaged between the two Governments. This Government has not been inattentive to the interests of those of our citizens who have claims on the Government of Spain founded on express treaty stipulations ; and a hope is indulged that the representations which have been made to that Government on this subject may lead ere long to beneficial results.

" A correspondence has taken place between the Secretary of State and the Minister of her Britannic Majesty accredited to the Government, on the sub- ject of Alexander Al‘Leas indictment and imprisonment, copies of which are herewith communicated to the Congress. In addition to what appears from these papers, it may he proper to state that Alexander M'Leod has been heard by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, on his motion to be discharged from imprisonment, and that the decision of the Court has not as yet been

pronounced. •

" So far as it depends on tile course of this Government, our relations of good-will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations. The true American policy will be found to consist in the exercise of a spirit of justice to be manifested in the discharge of all our international obligations' to the weakest of the family of nations as well as to the most powerful. Occa- sional conflicts of opinion may arise ; but when the discussions incident to them are conducted in the language of truth, and with a strict regard to justice, the scourge of war will for the most part be avoided. The time ought to be re- garded as having gone by when a resort to arms is to be esteemed as the only proper arbiter of national differences." The census, he says, shows that the population amounts to 17,000,000, and that it doubles in twenty-three years. Looking at the same time to the enormous expanse of territory which invites occupation—compsis- ing 770,000,000 acres on the hither side of the Rocky Mountains, to say nothing of the regions beyond- " We hold out to the people of other countries an invitation to come and settle among us as members of our rapidly-growing family ; and for the bless- ings which we offer them, we require of them to look upon our country as their country, and to unite with us in the great task of preserving our institutions, and thereby perpetuating our liberties. No motive exists for foreign conquest. We desire but to reclaim our almost illimitable wilderness, and to introduce into their depths the lights of civilization. While we shall at all times be pre- pared to vindicate the national honour, our most earnest desire will be to main- tain an unbroken peace."

The President then enters into a detailed account of the state of the finances ; the result of which is, that the aggregate demands upon the Treasury before the 1st September next are 11,340,000 dollars, the ways and means 6,450,000 dollars, the probable deficit 4,845,000 dollars. The President contemplates farther burdens to be borne by the people in order to meet these demands ; but they must be so imposed as not to interfere with the Compromise Act of 2d March 1833. Only one year remains to complete the series of reductions under that law ; and then, says Mr. Ty ler, "Under a system of discriminating duties imposed for purposes of revenue, in unison with the provisions of existing laws, it is to be hoped that our policy will, in the future, be fixed and permanent, so as to avoid those constant fluctuations which defeat the very objects they have in view." He goes on to discuss the requisite provision for a "fiscal agent"—that is, for an administration of the currency—but in very obscure and in- decisive terms. Entering upon a review of the Bank question, he says that General Jackson and Mr. Van Buren were undoubtedly supported by the voice of the people in their policy. He thinks that all the three schemes which have been successively proposed, the United States Bank, the State Banks, and the Sub-Treasury plan, have failed ; the last being condemned by the people in the election of General Harrison. He leaves the settlement of the matter in the hands of Congress. At the same time, be urges the necessity of imposing some check, with the consent of the several States, upon the unlimited creation of State Banks. Affirming that the State debts cannot be assumed by the Fe- deral Government, he nevertheless favours the distribution of the pro- ceeds of the land-sales : the discretion of Congress, he says, will dictate such a measure ; as in some States it has become a question of distribu- tion or direct taxation, an alternative which he views with distrust. The Secretary-at-War has instituted an inquiry which promises to develop "gross enormities in connexion with the Indian treaties " ; which it will require an appropriation of 20,000 dollars to set to rights. In alluding to the defence of the country, he commended the policy adopted by Mr. Munroe, of maintaining a regularly-organized staff sufficient for the command of a large militia. He promises to propose "a new system of accountability" in the Navy. He mentions that the Post-office is in debt 500,000 dollars ; but it is thought that the depart- ment could go on without the aid of Government. He invites scrutiny into the appointments which he shall make. He recommends more effectual enactments for the suppression of the slave-trade. And he concludes by calling attention to the interests of the Government dis- trict, and the alteration which the repeal of the Sub-Treasury Act may render necessary in providing a place of deposit for the public monies.