26 JUNE 1841, Page 12



_ The ferment of the general election increases. Members who star d again, being released from their London duties, are now busy amorg their constituencies; and the new candidates, who have been working while the Parliament-men were kept in town, have received a fresh im- pulse to their activity. The whole country now witnesses that spec- tacle which the occasion always offers, of all the great men in county and b Rough dancing attendance, cap in hand, on "independent elec- tors.'

The time for the election has been announced for several places. Among others, the nomination is fixed for London on Monday next, the polling on Tuesday ; in Westminster, the nomination will be on Tuesday ; in Marylebone, the nomination on Wednesday, the polling on Thursday ; Tower Hamlets, nomination on Wednesday, polling on Thursday ; Lambeth, nomination on Tuesday, polling on Wednes- day; Southwark, nomination on Monday, polling on Tuesday ; Green- wich, nomination on Tuesday, polling on Wednesday ; Hull, polling on Tuesday ; Bristol, nomination on Monday, polling on Tuesday ; Not- tirglia a, nomination on Tuesday, polling on Wednesday ; St. Alban's, polling on Tuesday; Harwich, polling on Tuesday ; Wolverhampton, nomination on Monday ; Leeds, nomination on Wednesday, polling on Thursiay ; Liverpool, nomination on Wednesday ; Manchester, nomina- tion on 'Tuesday, polling on Wednesday ; Bath, nomination on Tuesday ; -Tamworth, nomination on Monday ; Taunton, polling on Tuesday; Do ch!ster, polling on Monday; Lincolnshire (Lindsey), polling on the - 8th July; West Riding of Yorkshire, nomination on the 5th, polling on the 8th and 9th July.