LONDON Crrv. Ward meetings have been held by both parties without intermission. At one in Bishopsgate-Within, on Tuesday, Mr. Pattison alluded to reports which have obtained that the Whigs had made offers of a compromise with the Tories : whatever offers of the sort were made, he said, came from the side of the enemy ; and they were unhesitatingly and indignantly spurned. The Sheriffs have issued a placard, fixing Monday the 28th for the day of nomination. A correspondent of the Globe suggests that the citizens of London should meet Lord John Russell, on Monday, at Temple Bar, and escort him to Guildhall.
FINSBURY. The friends of the sitting Members 'are in activity, without much occasion. On Friday, Mr. Thomas Buncombe met se- veral electors at a tavern at Pentonville ; where he denounced Mr. Wil- liam Tooke the new candidate, in good round terms, as the "grossest impostor, both in politics and religion, that ever appeared in public life. On the same evening, Mr. Wakley's friends met in Islington, to concert measures for his return. Mr. Tooke has since retired ; n order, he says, not to create a schism in the Liberal ranks LAMBETH. We rejoice to hear that even at the very eve of the elec- tion, Mr. Baldwin, who has been for several years favourably known to the electors, has consented to come forward as a Conservative candidate. —Times, June 26.
TOWER HAMI.ETS. Encouraged by the division of the Liberal in- terest among three candidates, the Tories are in earnest exerting them- selves in favour of G. R. Robinson, Esq., Chairman of Lloyd's ; who, it is understood, will stand, if a requisition with a certain number of sig- natures be presented to him.—Globe.
WESTMINSTER. Captain Henry John Rous, astonished that no per- son entertaining Conservative opinions has come forward for the city, offers himself. The flattering opinions of his friends, he says, and the short notice, prevent his entering upon a personal canvass ; and also make it imperative on those who are dissatisfied with Government to lose no time "in support of the great constitutional cause "—to wit, his own election.
Mr. Robert Stanhope Wilkes of 16 and 27, Craven Street, Strand, who describes himself as an inhabitant householder, keeping a shop and engaged in trade, has addressed the electors ; advocating Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, Annual Parliaments, Untaxed Bread, a repeal of the Window-duties, and a repeal of the Poor-law Amend- ment Act.
Yesterday, Captain Runs, who began his speech by avowing himself a Tory, born of a family of Tories, was introduced to a party of elee- tors at the British Hotel in Cockspur Street, by Sir Francis Burdett.
GREENWICH. The West Kent Guardian asserts that a gentleman holding a Government situation in the borough, who has "dared to exert his acknowledged abilities in promoting the return of Sir George Cockburn, has received an official intimation that henceforth his salary is to be reduced 40/. per annum, as a reward for his perverse disin- terestedness."
ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. The Tories have persuaded Mr. J. Harrop, of Bardsley House, to come forward in their behalf.
BATH. Mr. Roebuck and Lord Duncan are using the utmost activity in Bath ; and are proceeding in perfect harmony : speaking of the Ballot, Lord Duncan said that he and his colleague were Siamese Twins in their unanimity. Bath was omitted in our remarks last week on the Post and Future, in the list of great towns to be contested : the promise here is for the Liberals.
BERWICK. Mr. Massey Stanley, says the Post, after an investiga- tion, has found his chance of success so small that he has declined pro- ceeding further. BEVERLEY. Mr. John Towneley has come forward as a Ministerial Free-trader.
Bmatusessam. The Tories have had prudent misgivings as to their strength : Mr. Alston, who has retired from the contest, presented Mr. Richard Spooner with a requisition at a meeting of friendly electors, on Saturday. Mr. Spooner's acceptance was not very hearty— Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to have the opportunity of publicly stating his opinions upon the present aspect of affairs to the people of Birmingham. While, however, he would willingly place himself in the hands of his friends, he thought great caution ought to be observed before they fully committed themselves to interfere in the ensuing election. He was of opinion that they ought to have just grounds of success before they involved him and
themselves n expenses consequent upon a contested election. Moreover, he might be allowed to add, a defeat at the present moment in Birmingham, would inflict a blow upon the good cause in which they were engaged. They must bear in mind that on former occasions they had been defeated by large majorities. If, upon examination and inquiry, they considered there was a fair chance of success, he was their humble servant.
BOLTON. Mr. Peter Bothwell, whose character is well spoken of by all parties, is put forward as the colleague of Mr. Bolling, the Tory Member, in opposition to Dr. Bowring ; but he is troubled, according to the Bolton Free Press, with some bodily infirmity. There is a talk of transferring Mr. Emerson Tennent from Belfast to Bolton.
BRADFORD. The Chartists have thrown overboard Captain Wood. This gentleman, although he promised a hustings speech, would neither canvass nor be at any expense whatever. The new candidate is a Mr. Simpson, a retired surgeon in London. He has promised to come for- ward and:canvass, and bear all reasonable expenses-: being an advocate of the Temperance cause, he refused to be at any expense for liquors. He has issued his address, avowing himself for Universal Suffrage, National Education, Ballot, Electoral Districts, paid M.P.s, the abroga- tion of the Corn-laws and the New Poor-law. We have authority for saying that the Tories refuse to coalesce with the Chartists.—York Herald.
BRECON. Mr. Lloyd, a Whig, contests the borough with Mr. Mor- gan, the Tory Member. BRIGHTON. A fourth candidate has made his appearance, Air. Charles Brooker, of Alfriston, Sussex a Dissenting preacher, an advo- cate of the Charter, and an opponent Of the New Poor-law. The Tories count upon his taking some Chartist votes which would otherwise be given to Captain Peehell and Mr. Wigney ; thus improving Sir Adol- pints Dalrymple's chance.
BRIDPORT. Mr. IL A. Templer, in replying to an evasive denial which he says Mr. William Colfax, the returning-officer, has made to a charge against him, repeats it : he asserts that Mr. Colfox canvassed
for Mitchell, the Government candidate, threatening to eject a tenant of his, own named Bartlett, when he promised to support Mr. Cochrane. A report of the conversation in which the threat was made, signed by Mr. Bartlett, is appended to Mr. Templer's account.
BUCKINGHAM. Sir Harry Verney has announced his intention of retiring.—Bucks Herald.
CAERNARVON COUNTY. Colonel Douglas Pennant is the new Church- and-State candidate ; Mr. Ormsby Gore making way for him by retiring. He 'will maintain "protection for the agriculturists."
CAMBRIDGE COUNTY. Mr. J. P. Allis has accepted the requisition presented to him, and has addressed the electors in the Conservative in- terest.
Mr. Townley has retired; leaving the field to the three Tory candi- dates.
CAMBRIDGE BOROUGH. MT. Pryme has withdrawn. Mr. Wagstaff is canvassing the borough in the Liberal interest ; and two new Liberal candidates have appeared—Mr. Richard Foster junior, of Brooklands, and Lord Cosmo Russell.
CANTERBURY. Mr. Twisden Hodges, the late Member for Rochester, and son of Mr. Law Hodges, has complied with the request of the Liberals to start on the Reform interest.
CARLISLE. There were rumours abroad on Friday that the Tories are about to bring forward Captain Graham, brother to Sir James, as a candidate for the city.—Carlisle Journal.
Mr. Sergeant Goulburn is in the borough, and has addressed the electors.
CILELTENHAM. The Chartists have held three successive meetings lately, to consider what should be their course at the coming election ; and each was adjourned without any decision being come at, the last sine die.
CHESTER. Mr. Christopher Bushell, of Liverpool, and Mr. Nicoll, a West India merchant of the same place, are mentioned as likely to oppose Lord Robert Grosvenor and Mr. John Jervis, the sitting Members.
CRICHLADE. The Times has heard that Mr. Ambrose Goddard, one of the Tory Members, has most unexpectedly retired from the repre- sentation of this borough.
CUMBERLAND, EAST. Mr. William U. Stephenson has addressed the electors as a Tory and friend to the Corn-laws. Mr. James, the Whig Member, has just put forward an aadress in which he says that "the present Corn-law should be removed from the Statute-book."
DENBIGHSHIRE. Mr. Cholmondeley has formally resigned in favour of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn.
DERBYSHIRE, SOUTH. The present Members, Sir G. Crewe and Mr. F. Hurt, will not again seek the suffrages of the electors. Two stanch county gentlemen are in the field in the Conservative interest, invited by a very numerously-signed requisition. These are Mr. M. Mundy and Mr. C. R. Colvile.—courier.
DEVONPORT. Sir George Grey and Mr. Tufnell arrived on Saturday, and entered the town in procession. They then addressed the people from a hustings in front of the Town-hall.
DORCHESTER. Mr. Robert Williams has retired, to make room for Sir James Graham. The following is Sir James's modest address- " Understanding that it is not the intention of your respected Member Mr. Robert Williams again to offer himself for the honour of representing you in the new Parliament, I venture to declare myself a candidate ; and hope that by your favour I may be admitted to a seat in the House of Commons at this juncture, wten the best interests of the nation are trembling in the balance. Although I might boast of long and intimate acquaintance with many gentle- men in your neighbourhood who enjoy your confidence, yet I will frankly own that I should not have presumed to present myself to your notice, if I did not believe that my public conduct were known to you, and if I did not hope that it may receive the sanction of your approbation. I have been the tried friend of civil and religious liberty ; but I have regarded every personal sacrifice light in comparison with the sacred duty of defending the Protestant Church, of combining education with religion, and of defending the Monarchy against the inroad of Democratic principles inconsistent with its safety. I am the enemy of election by ballot; I am opposed to a further extension of the elective fran- chise; and I am the advocate of protection to British agriculture on the prin- ciple of the Corn-law now in force. I shall endeavour by a personal canvass more fully to state the opinions which I entertain in the present crisis of public affairs ; and confidently hope that you may consider me not unworthy of your confidence."
DUDLEY. It is ascertained beyond a doubt that the Radicals are de- termined to bring forward a candidate to oppose Mr. Hawkes, although Mr. Larpent has retired from the field. Colonel Torrens is, among others, spoken of as the "fortunate man."—Courier.
DURHAM, SOUTH. Mr. James Farrer, half-brother of the Earl of Eldon, opposes the Liberal candidates, Lord Harry Vane and Mr. Bowes. Lord Harry is not quite reconciled to the Government Corn measure : he said to the electors, at a recent meeting- " My present belief is, that although I think there are great advantages in a fixed duty, such as the carrying of greater receipts into the exchequer—which is a material consideration of the present time—I do not see how, in case of a rise of prices, a fixed duty can be levied. This appears to me an extreme diffi- culty; and entertaining that view, I must confess that I think it would be difficult to avoid a falling scale of duty, on a rise in price to a high rate. I be- lieve the best plan would be to establish a fixed protective duty, and to append to it a falling scale when the price rises beyond a certain amount ; and this becomes a falhng scale. This is my impression ; but I at present can give no irrevocable pledge on the subject."
FALMOUTH AND PERRIN'. The Tory candidates now named are Mr. Gwynne and a Mr. Edward John Sartorris.
GATESHEAD. The Chartists have had a meeting, and have resolved upon nominating Mr. Mason, one of their leaders ; but unless it should appear that they can do so effectually, says the Standard, they will sup- port a Conservative, should one offer, provided he will pledge himself to a revision of the New Poor-law, in opposition to Mr. Hutt.
GLOUCESTER. Lord Loftus, the new Tory candidate, has accepted the invitation of the electors. He declares himself in favour of a lower Sliding scale of Corn-duty, and opposed to the harsh provisions of the New Poor-law.
HALIFAX. 'Sir George Sinclair has issued, says the Halifax Guar- dian, a " spirit-stirring address." Th.: candidates in the field are Mr. Charles Wood and Mr. Protheroe, the Whig Members, Sir George, and Mr. Gully, a Radical. A meeting of electors resolved to support the two sitting Members, " to enable the electors to carry two Free Trade candidates."
HASTINGS. Mr. North, who was expected to oppose the Liberal Members, does not come forward.
Hos:prow. Sir William Colebrooke, a Liberal, has offered himself, and again retired.
Honsaam. The Honourable R. C. Scarlett, eldest son of Lord Abinger, has appeared in the field in the Conservative interest, as the opponent of the sitting Member, Mr. Hurst.
The Standard publishes a copy of the following circular which has been issued by the Duke of Norfolk's steward—
Arundel, June 20th.
"Dear Sir—His Grace is anxious to assist Mr. Hurst in his election for Horsham. Do all you can to procure votes for him. R. WATKINS." "Yours truly, HEREFORDSHIRE. Sir Robert Price announced his resignation, on the ground that some of his most active agricultural friends differed with him on the Corn-laws : he has been begged, in more than one re- quisition, signed by "nearly all the gentry, yeomen, and farmers, with the freeholders in the Corn-market," to withdraw his resignation and a subscription to secure his return has been set on foot.
Ipswicn. Mr. George Rennie having abandoned Kidderminster, is to stand with Mr. Rigby Wason.
The Chartists are understood to have invited Mr. Goodwin Barclay, of Yoxford, to be their candidate.
KENDAL. The Committee of the Working Men's Anti-Corn-law. Association have declared against Mr. G. Bentinck, as a stranger, "who from the principles he holds forth is manifestly opposed to those most vital interests upon which their existence as a manufacturing and producing body entirely depends." If reminded of the extravagance and misrule of the Whigs, they reply that those originated with the Tories; if of the Poor-law, they ask, where was the regret and opposition to the measure from the Tories when it passed into law 2— .. The best plan we can suggest for an amendment of the Poor-law, would be to allow the working-man to help himself; give Lim the resources which free trade would bring, and the evil of this law would cease in its effects. The question of the Corn-laws on a graduated scale, a sliding duty, would, we are convinced, if carried out, benefit neither the manufacturing nor the agricul- tural portion of the country. As an evil to ithe former, no loudly proclaina our opposition to it. We advocate a total repeal of these Ian's; but, as the least evil, would prefer seeing the measure carried out with a permanently fixed duty, rather than a graduated one."
KIDDERMINSTER. Mr. Rennie having withdrawn, as mentioned above, Mr. Godson is alone in the field.
LANCASHIRE, SOUTH. Mr. Townley, the unsuccessful candidate, is brought forward by the Liberals to oppose Mr. Bootle Wilbraham ; and some of his friends have subscribed towards his expenses.
LEICESTERSHIRE, SOUTH. The Liberal electors have resolved to present a requisition to Mr. Thomas Pares and Mr. Edward Dawson.
LINCOLNSHIRE, NORTH. The Honourable Charles Henry Cost, &Sze of Lord Brownlow, has just stepped forward to oppose Lord Worsley.
LINCOLNSHIRE, SOUTH. Mr. Handley has not finally resigned : he means to attend at Sleaford on the day of nomination to surrender his trust. A requisition in his favour is getting up ; and it seems to be ex- pected that some effort will be made to induce him to stand again.
LIVERPOOL. Lord Sandon and Mr. Cresswell visited their supporters for the first time on Friday, and have personally addressed the electors. There was a large meeting at the Amphitheatre on Monday. Lord Sandon avowed himself" such a Free-trader as Mr. Huskisson "; and en- deavoured to show that Mr. Huskisson was such a Free-trader as Lord Sandon. He asked the electors what claim Lord Palmerston had upon them, when he had to accompany deputations from the town to com- plain of the Foreign Secretary's inattention and neglect of the com- mercial interests of the country ?
LtalLove. Mr. Aekers, of the Heath, declined to accept the invita- tion of the electors, unless the requisition were numerously signed; be- tween 90 and 100 signatures satisfied bins. Mr. Lechmere Charlton has issued an address, in which he avows distrust in Sir Robert Peel, and describes himself as a " Conservative Reformer." The two Mem- bers, Mr. Beriah Botfield, the Tory, and Colonel Salwey, the Liberal, stand again.
LYMINGTON. The Honourable Major George Keppel has appeared, as a Liberal.
MACCLESFIELD. Mr. Townsend, a barrister, who had offered himself as a second Conservative candidate, has withdrawn from the contest. Mr. Stocks, a Stockport cotton-spinner, has consented to be the Anti- Corn-law candidate.'
Miranoas. A Liberal candidate has been produced, Mr. Thomas Neville Abdy, of Mount Street. Grosvenor Square. His address is an eulogium on the ten years of Whig rule.
MERTHYR. Sir John Guest has issued an address to the electors of Merthyr, Aberdare, and Vaynor, and is likely to be returned without opposition. Supported as he is by William Crawshay, Esq., of Cyfarthfa Castle, any attempt to unseat him would prove abortive. He was re- turned the last election but one, notwithstanding Mr. Crawshay's pow- erful opposition.—Morning Chronicle.
MONTGOMERY Bonocons. The Whig Member, Colonel Edwards, will be opposed by the Honourable Hugh Cholmondeley.
NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE. Mr. J. Q. Harris, a Liberal, hat-manu- facturer of Southwark, has addressed the electors. He is the son of the Mr. Harris who was some time since elected for Southwark, but pre- vented taking his seat by his death, which took place within three days of his election, in consequence of a severe cold taken on the occasion.
NEWCASTLE. The Chartists have resolved, at a public meeting, to put forward Mr. Bronterre O'Brien.
OLDHAM. The intention of bringing Mr. J. B. Smith to the borough has exasperated the present Members, General Johnson and Mr. Fielden. At a meeting of electors, on Saturday, they both spoke in bitter terms of the Whig Ministry. Mr. Fielden believed that they
had done more wicked things than had been committed in England for this century past ; and he heartily rejoiced in the prospect of their being turned out. General Johnson sang second to his colleague. The meeting passed a vote of unqualified approbation of their two repre- ftentatives. Mr. Smith has declared that he will not be instrumental in disturbing them.
OXFORD CITY. Mr. Maclean, the present Member, and Mr. Malcolm. two of the Tory candidates, have coalesced : the third, Mr. Hughes Hughes, has withdrawn ; not wishing to divide the party at "this eventful crisis." He seems not much pleased at the necessity imposed upon him : he describes how good a Conservative he is ; and he is sur- pnsed that the electors should have put forward Mr. Langston against him .
"But that the Conservative party, simply because, like Sir George Murray and many other good Conservatives, I am *favourable to a fixed duty on the importation of corn, (of what amount I have not expressed an opinion,) rather than to the present sliding scale, should have considered it necessary to start a candidate in opposition to me, does really astonish me; particularly when I call to mind my claims upon them, arising from my ejectment (by petition) of the Roman Catholic Stonor, my defeat of the Roman Catholic Townley, and that uniform and consistent support of the Administration of Sir Robert Peel -which cost me my seat at the last general election."
PORTSMOUTH. The Chancellor of the Exchequer addressed the electors on Wednesday. There is no opposition, and the proceedings of the day would have wanted zest, had it not been for a little cross- questioning to which one or two troublesome electors put Mr. Baring. A. Mr. Levy first asked whether Lord Campbell would be entitled to a pension on retiring from the Irish Chancellorship ? Mr. Baring thought not ; but he had sent to London that very morning, to have the facts "forwarded" to him, and he would give a better explanation in a day or two. Mr. Levy then complained of a local grievance in the admi- nistration of the Poor-laws by the Commissioners ; and asked why some court of appeal against their arbitrary decisions was not constituted? "You can appeal, said Mr. Baring, "to Parliament or to the Home Office." " What," asked Mr. Levy, "hare all the petitions we ever sent there availed us ?" "Would Government reintroduce the Adminis- tration of Justice Bill," was the next question ; "and why was it aban- doned?" Mr. Baring replied—" It is our intention to bring it in again next session. It was abandoned because an unconstitutional opposition to the power of the Crown, with respect to the appointment of the Judges under the act, was raised ; an opposition to a power which we thought the House of Commons had no right whatever to interfere with." Here another querist, Mr. Childs, relieved his brother elector—" How did it happen that so many Tories were found in the House of Commons of late years ? " " Because," retorted Mr. Baring, the "electors do not do their duty." "Now, Sir," said Mr. Childs, "don't you think that some- thing has arisen in reference to the course of policy pursued by the Government to make the people change their minds?"
RADNORSHIRE. Lord Harley, son of the Earl of Oxford, has come forward on the Liberal interest, in opposition to Sir John Walsh.
READING. Mr. Mills, of Tolmer, Hertfordshire, the Liberal can- didate, is among the electors. Mr. Fysche Palmer has resigned; and Mr. William Tooke, a refugee from Finsbury, seeks to get into his place.
Itexciera. Dr. Bedford, of Loudon House, Brixton, has again addressed the electors of this borough, in the Reform interest.
RICHMOND. Sir Robert Dundas gives way, to make way for his ne- phew, the Honourable J. C. Dundas. The other Member, Mr. Fitz- -william, is also expected to retire. Mr. Ridley Colborne and young Mr. Wyvill are each named as his successor. This a close borough in the hands of the Whigs ; and the changes make no difference in the strength of parties.—Morning Post.
RUTLAND. The Honourable Mr. Dawnay opposes the Honourable Charles Noel and Mr. Gilbert John Heathcote, the Liberal candidates.
SHEFFIELD. Mr. Ward addressed the electors in person on Saturday. He invited Mr. David Urquhart and Mr. William Attwood, the oppo- nents of himself and Mr. Parker, his colleague, to attend, as he meant to impugn the conduct of the former. Mr. Attwood attended: Mr. Urquhart was kept away by an engagement. Mr. Ward redeemed his pledge. He laughed at the mortified vanity and ambition which he supposed to have inspired Mr. Urquhart's monomania, as he had been dismissed from his situation in Turkey for gross incapacity and indis- cretion; and asked how it was that he consented to hold office under Lord Palmerston, if he knew him to be a traitor ? Mr. Ward then at- tacked Mr. Urquhart's Achates, Mr. Parish ; who, while serving under 31r. Dawkins, the British Minister in Greece, in a subordinate capacity, and partaking of his hospitality, wrote to the Admiral of the station telling him not to pay any attention to Mr. Dawkins's directions. He was dismissed. air. Ward spoke at length on the Corn-law question ; and finished by alluding to rather a gross specimen of canvassing licence- " In Mr. Attwood's placards, and in a sermon preached in St. Philip's Church, yesterday afternoon, by the Reverend Mr. Gwy ther, there appears to be a very remarkable coincidence of opinion. The reverend gentleman said— Of course, he never meddled with politics; but at the present time they ought especially to pray, Give the Queen thy judgments ; for though, by the law of the land, the Queen could do no wrong, yet she was accountable to*God, and her advisers are responsible to the country. She had about her men of undoubted talent, but who were opposed to our national establishment—(as Mr. Attwood accuses us of being, because we advocate the principles of civil and religious liberty). At the present time, the arch-heresy was making great inroads, and its partisans were raised to power and honour. He would con- clude in the words of the National Anthem, Confound their politics '—(re- collect this was from the pulpit)—' frustrate their knavish tricks.' And to these words the reverend gentleman added, most irreverently, I think, the usual blessing." Mr. William Attwood replied ; repeating denunciations of Lord Pal- merston. In answer to a taunt from Mr. Ward, that his brother, Mr. Thomas Attwood, had expressed strong approval of Lord Palmerston's policy, Mr. William Attwood said— As to Mr. Thomas Attwood, if he had given the opinion quoted by Mr. Ward, he was the most inconsistent of men ; for he had said in the House of Commons before Lord Palmerston's face, that Russian gold had found its way into that House ; aud he heard that Lord Palmerston turned pale. He could give them an explanation of Thomas Attwood's change. It appeared from the Circular to Badgers, (Mr. William Attwood was understood to say, but he spoke amid great noise,) that Ministers had promised Mr. Attwood, that if the alteration of the Corn-laws should lead to the suspension of specie pay- ments, they would continue an inconvertible paper currency.
Mr. Parker arrived and addressed the electors on Tuesday.
Mr. Parish, in a letter to the Times, contradicts Mr. Ward's state- ments respecting him, as reported in the Morning Chronicle-
" During the whole of my residence in Greece, of nearly two years, I had a separate establishment of my own, and so far from living at Mr. Dawkins's house, I am confident of not having been a guest at his table more than ten times, and not once during the period when the transactions referred to and misrepresented in the Morning Chronicle took place."
SOMERSETSHIRE, EAST. At the especial request of a large body of Conservative friends, it is the intention of Sir William Medlycott, Bart.„ of Melbourne Port, to start in opposition to Colonel Gore Langton, at the ensuing election.—Standard.
SOMERSETSHIRE, Worn The Times says that at several meetings held lately by the Tories, it was agreed to bring forward Mr. Dickinson, of King's Weston, as the colleague to Mr. T. Dyke Acland, the present Member. At one of the meetings upwards of 2,0001. was subscribed before the meeting separated, towards the expenses of an election.
Sr. Ammie's. Lord Listowel has written a letter to the Morning Post, in which he gives "the most positive and unqualified contradiction" to the assertion of that paper, that the Whig-Radical party had usurped. their present position "at the last memorable election" through " the- lavish expenditure of Treasury gold": Lord Listowel himself defrayed all the expenses of his election.
Mr. George W. J. Repton, a grandson of the late Earl of Eldon, has made his appearance as a Tory candidate. He is, says the Times, "a. young man of extremely interesting exterior." The specimens of his interior, with which he interested the electors, were opinions in favour- of agricultural " protection " and against the Poor-law ; and an assur- ance that he would exert himself to effect an amelioration of the condi- tion of the working-classes.
STROUD. Four candidates were in the field here; Mr. Poalett Scrope, Mr. Stanton, who seems the favourite of the Whigs, Mr. Symons, on the Radical interest, and Sir Matthew Wraxall, a Tory. Mr. Symons, however, has retired.
SUDBURY. Both the present Members retire, says the Timex; ; and two Tory candidates come forward; Mr. Taylor, of Hollycombe Park, Sussex, and Mr. Jones, a gentleman living in London.
SUFFOLK, EAST. Mr. Shafto Adair, of Flixton Hall, Harlston, who- has been unsuccessful on a previous occasion, has issued an address to the electors. His political opinions are generally in adcordance with those of Government ; but he objects to the alteration they have pro- posed in the existing Corn-laws.
TAMWORTH. The following is the address which Sir Robert Peel has issued to the electors—
"London. 10th June 1841.
"Gentlemen—You are no doubt aware that it has been publicly notified by her Majesty's Government, that a dissolution of the present Parliament will take place at a very early period.
"it is my intention on that occasion to solicit a renewed proof of the confi- dence which for several years past you have kindly reposed in me. "I earnestly hope that the unremitting attention which I have paid to my public duties, and the course which I have pursued with respect to public affairs, will again entitle me to this mark of your approbation, and that I may look forward with confidence to the continued honour of representing in Parliament a constituency with which I am intimately connected by so many friendly ties. in the intercourse and relations of private life. "I propose to avail myself of a very early opportunity of paying my respects to you, and soliciting in person your support at the approaching election. "I have the honour to be, gentlemen, with sincere feelings of esteem and regard, your faithful Representative and attached friend,
Sir Robert arrived with his family on Saturday. On Wednesday he met a party of the electors ; and then proceeded to "pay his personal respects" to the electors at their own houses.
TavisToeic. Mr. Rundle has addressed the electors, soliciting a con- tinuance of their suffrages ; and the Marquis of Tavistock having re- signed in consequence of ill-health, Lord Edward Russell has offered himself a candidate. The Tories, it is said, have invited Mr. T. Dingle.
TIVERTON. Lord Palmerston, accompanied by his Lady, visited Tiverton last week. He delivered a speech to the electors from the window of the Three Tuns Inn on Friday. The Tory disingenuous- ness as to the sliding scale of Corn-duty and the New Poor-law sup- plied materials for some of the most telling portions of his speech ; which was not, however, equal to what Lord Palmerston can do in the way of speech-making: it seemed to be gone through as a necessary ceremony, with little life.
We learn from Tiverton that Mr. Charles Ross has given up his can- vass, has retired from the contest, and has left the town. The two sitting Members will therefore be returned unopposed. —Morning Chronicle.
TOTNES. The Honourable Edward Petre, brother of Lord Petre, has taken the field as the second Liberal candidate. Lord Seymour has issued an address to the electors, in which, in alluding to the coming dissolution, be says, "The country will duly appreciate the generous confidence of our gracious Sovereign, in thus referring to the decision of her People the settlement of questions in regard to which the House of Commons has pronounced such divided and undecided opinions." Mr. G. Teed, a Tory, has also issued an address.
WAKEFIELD. The Honourable W. S. Lascelles is to be opposed by Mr. J. Holdsworth, a Whig, the returning-officer and resident Magis- trate.
WALLINGFORD. Mr. Teed is not satisfied with the encouragement which the electors have given him to oppose Mr. Blackstone, the Tory Member : he has therefore retired.
WALSALL. Mr. R. W. Scott of Stourbridge, a barrister, has made a public entry into the borough, and personally addressed the electors, as the Free Trade candidate.
WEYMOUTH. Mr. J. E. Denison and Mr. T. J. Thompson, Liberals, have canvassed the town, and retired.
WOLVERHAMPTON. The report which we copied last week from the
Globe that Mr. Thornely retires, is wholly without foundation. Mr. Thornely stands again along with Mr. Villiers, and they have no oppo- nent. Mr. Villiers says to the electors, in his address— "In bad weather you did not scruple, in the name of justice and freedom, to proclaim the rights of labour and of trade; and, though neglected at first, and since strongly resisted, the cause has aroused universal interest, and gains strength at every hour : with victory, then, at band, you will not fail to com- plete the work you began. Wolverhampton will continue to offer an example of zeal, consistency, and intelligence, in the cause which the country has now to decide. Was the country now prospering, you would, I know, still assert the right of men to exchange with their fellow-men the fruits of their respective toil, and thus fulfil the scheme of nature, in bringing within the reach of all the gifts which a bounteous Providence has variously distributed over different parts of the earth; but when misery and misfortune, arising from badness of trade, now face us at every turn, you will, I am sure, strengthen the hands of those who would repeal or mitigate the cruel laws which have caused the evil."
A Chartist meeting at Bilston last week determined to support the sitting Members, in spite of some endeavour to create division.
WORCESTER. Sir Thomas Wilde has been delivering addresses to the electors in person. Mr. Bailey, the Tory candidate, is promised a col- league in the person of Mr. John Dent. A Mr. Robert Hardy has issued an address, offering himself as a candidate. He says that he does so without having consulted any person, or having been solicited by any party ; and that as he always regarded canvassing disgraceful to the candidate and insulting to the electors, he shall not degrade himself by asking for a single vote. He represents himself as unfavourable to national religious establishments and the existence of the Corn-laws, but in favour of a Property-tax and Universal Suffrage.
ATHLONE. Captain Beresford, a connexion of the Marquis of Wa- terford, has left town for the purpose of opposing Mr. Daniel Farrell, the Radical candidate.
BELFAST. Mr. Dunbar, one of the Tory Members, hat retired. The Liberal papers say that he has done so because Mi. Emerson Tennent endeavoured to sacrifice him by effecting a compromise with the Whigs; but at a large meeting of the Conservatives, in the Circus, on Monday, Mr. Dunbar himself denied it. At this meeting, a Mr. William Gil- Elan Johnson offered himself as a Tory candidate with Mr. Tennent.
CARLOW. Mr. O'Connell has been canvassing in person for son John. He has had several meetings in the open air : at one, at St. Mullins, he and a Mr. Doyne, the agent of the Kavanagh estates, who came upon the ground, had a dispute over some electors. Mr. Doyne was near being roughly handled, but he was protected by the Liberator ; and at last he succeeded in carrying off some few. The Liberal ac- counts say that about 80,000 or 100,000 were on the spot ; several on horseback. At Bagnalstown, Mr. O'Connell gave his hearers some in- structions in the art of canvassing- " Let them tell the wife to beg of her husband that he should not be marked out as a black sheep; let no handsome young woman marry the son of a black sheep; let them be marked out as degraded creatures who sold their God and their country for some paltry consideration. They should do them no harm, but merely mark them out as traitors to their country and to their own fami- lies. * * Let them go to their faithful and pious pastors, who never deserted them in the hour of trial or of sorrow, and inquire of them what they ought to do, and be guided by their advice. He would tell them what the people of Clare did to mark out the black sheep there after the election : they would not prevent them from going to the chapel or hearing mass—indeed, the unfortunate people wanted to pray. more than ever they did, in the hope that God would pardon them their crimes ; but they fixed up a kind of pew in the chapel, like a dock, and there the black sheep were put, so that the honest, virtuous part of the congregation might have no communication with them. (Cries of" We will do the same if any fellow be found bad enough to go against God and his country.") Yes, that was the way to treat them : but he im- plored of them to use no violence [!]to any man—let them use the weapons of argument [the dock-like pew, for instance!] and example."
CLARE. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Killaloe has called a meet- ing of the clergy of Clare, at Ennis, on the 23d, "that we may consider how we may best employ, in the approaching crisis, that influence, so hateful to Tory tyranny, which we are said to possess."
CORK CITY. Mr. D. Callaghan' one of the late Members, has re- signed. Mr. F. Murphy and Mr. Perrott will probably be the Reform candidates.—Morning Chronicle, June 26.
Dow/comics. Dr. Carmichael is a candidate on the Liberal in- terest.
Dumne CITY. A deputation, accompanied by Mr. Hutton, waited on the Duke of Leinster at Carlton Gardens, with the requisition to the Marquis of Kildare, and were, received graciously ; but the Duke told them that Lord Kildare had not yet completed his studies at Oxford, and that he must travel. Lord Kildare himself has sent a letter in re- ply to the requisition, declining to stand, as he does not at present wish to come into Parliament. [Mr. O'Connell seems in a scrape.] DUBLIN UNIVERSITY. The Honourable James King will, it is said, stand.
Dusuezewow. An opponent to Lord Northland, in the person of Mr. John Falls, a distiller, has started on the Liberal interest. The Morning Post says that he was once a Tory : the Belfast Northern Whig ascribes to him enlightened views of commercial policy. Mr. Falls arrived on Monday. In the evening, there was a riot in the town, begun, say the Whig accounts, by Lord Ranfurly's tenantry. Some men of the Artillery force were called out to the assistance of the Police before it could be quelled.
ENNIS. The well-known Captain Vignolles is a Tory candidate.
GALWAY COUNTY. Mr. James Daly, of Dunsandle, a Tory, who for twenty years represented this county, will once more solicit the suffrages of the electors.
KERRY. The Dublin Monitor publishes a letter in which Lord Listowel authorizes Mr. John O'Connell to tell his tenants that he is "most anxious" for the return of Mr. Morgan John O'Connell and of Mr. Browne for the county, and that he shall be thankful to them for their zealous and successful support.
KILDARE Cotnerv. We are authorized to state that Mr. Bourke, of Hays, the nephew and heir of Lord Mayo, a gentleman eminently qua- lified in every way, will be a candidate on the Conservative interest.— Dublin Evening Mail. LIMERICK COUNTY. Sir Richard Bourke, the late Governor of New South Wales, is put forward by the Liberals, with Mr. Smith O'Brien, in opposition to Colonel Fitzgibbon.
LIMERICK CITY. Mr. William Roche has resigned, on account of infirm health.
LONDONDERRY. It is rumoured that Sir James Graham will be soli- cited to stand for this city.—Standard.
MAYO. Lord Altamont and the Honourable Constantine Dillon have retired, not to divide the Liberal strength. The Tories attribute this to Castle influence. COUNTY. Mr. Ormsby Gore has during the past week been canvassing the electors, and is a decided favourite.—Sligo Journal.
TIPPERARY. Mr. Otway Cave has written a letter to the papers denying the report that he had resigned.
WESTMEATH COUNTY. The present Liberal Members, Sir Richard Nagle and Sir Montague Chapman, retire. The Tories have resolved to put Mr. G. A. Boyd, step-son to the Countess Belvidere, in nomina- tion as the second Tory candidate to contest the county. Mr. Pollard is his colleague. Mr. Hugh M. Tnite, and Mr. Benjamin Chapman, the brother of Sir Montague, are the Liberal candidates.
AIRDRIE Hymns. A variety of reports finally settle down into one, that Mr. Baird of Gartsherrie is to oppose Mr. Gillon. He has addressed the electors.
AYRSHIRE. Lord Kelburne has revoked the intention which he had announced of withdrawing from the contest.
AYR BURGHS. Mr. Stirling junior, of Keir, opposes Lord James Stuart.
BANFFSHIRE. It is said that Lord Redhaven, son of the Earl of Seafield, will oppose Mr. Duff.
DUNDEE. Sir Henry Parnell has at the eleventh hour slunk away and left his Liberal supporters in the lurch : he has not even condescended to notify publicly to the constituency who thrice elected him "without price," his intention not to stand, but suddenly announced his determi- nation to retire in a private letter to his professional agent. The electors are justly indignant ; and at a meeting held on Saturday to consider what was to be done, their sense of the unhandsome requital of their kindness and courtesy to Sir Henry was plainly though tempe- rately expressed. At this meeting Mr. G. Miller, Sir Henry Parnell's agent, stated that on the previous Sunday he received the letter above alluded to; and that he had entreated Sir Henry to abandon his inten- tion, but in vain. Mr. Kay, formerly Provost, and one of his stanchest adherents, had also written to Sir Henry ; and the following reply was the only written announcement produced-
" London, 17th Jane 1841.
" My dear Sir—I have received your letter of the 14th instant; and I consider the earnestness with which you exhort me to change my mind about standing for Dundee as a new proof of the great kinduess with which you have uniformly aided me while I have been connected with you. The state of my position there is extremely flatter- ing to me ; and, at the same time, very conclusive as to the success of my exertions to serve my constituents in es-cry way in m) power. My decision, however, was not come to hastily, nor without full consideration ; and 1 cannot depart from it. I hope that a proper candidate will soon declare himself in every way fit to represent the Liberal electors of Dundee. The very high rank they hold for independence, patriotism, and. intelligence, will make this certain of being the case.
•• Believe me, my dear Sir, yours faithfully, H. PAIINILL."
" Alex. Kay. Esq."
Provost Johnston, who presided at the meeting, hinted that they might perhaps be favoured with Sir Henry's reasons afterwards. Mr. "Williams Thorns, a Conservative elector, said, that "Considering the handsome way in which the electors had given him their confidence, and returned him to successive Parliaments, he should not have left them in doubt as to his intentions, or to obtain their information from private sources." Mr. Neish, one of the Liberal party, spoke out more strongly: he "had no hesitation in saying that Sir Henry Parnell's con- duct was an insult to the constituency : he ought to have sent official notice to the Provost, and then the Provost might have communicated with the electors ; Sir Henry had not treated them in the gentlemanly way they had treated him.' After some discussion, a committee was appointed to search for can- didates; and the Dundee Courier, the Conservative paper, from whose report we derive these particulars, mentions the names of Mr. Grote, Sir William Molesworth, Mr. Smith and Mr. Cobden of Manchester, as dividing the inclinations of the more stirring electors. We have heard also that Mr. Joseph Hume has intimated to some of his correspondents that he should take it as a compliment to be returned by Dundee, in ease of his failure at Leeds. Meanwhile, Mr. George Duncan, an active. townsman, who has filled several municipal offices, has addressed the electors, setting forth his Liberal prinziples in general terms, and vo- lunteering his services as Member. He appears to be supported by some Conservatives, in default of a candidate of their own party ; or perhaps to spite, if not to split, the predominant Reform interest.
EDINBURGH. The Aggregate Committee of Liberal electors have nominated Mr. William Gibson Craig in the room of Sir John Camp- bell. The Dissenters wish Mr. Ewart to stand ; but it seems to be generally supposed that he will stick to the Dumfries Burghs.
GREENOCK. Mr. Wallace is threatened with an opponent in Sir Thomas Cochrane.
LANARKSFIIRE. The Honourable Charles Murray has declined to come forward for the county of Lanark ; on the ground, it is under- stood, that his situation in the Household cannot be held by a Member of Parliament.
Lzraw. On Friday, a number of Conservatives held a meeting in the Exchange Hotel here, and unanimously resolved to request Mr. John Gladstone, of Fasque, to come forward as a candidate for the Leith dis- trict of burghs.—Caledonian Mercury.
PERTH. Mr. Fox Maule appeared before the electors of Perth on. Saturday. They met in the Salutation Assembly-rooms ; but the crowd was so great that it was found necessary to adjourn to the more ca- pacious Justiciary Court-room ; which was crammed, says the Caledonian Mercury, to suffocation. Mr. Maule held forth at considerable length upon the question of the day ; showing on the one hand the necessity of Free Trade, and on the other the necessity of throwing the hand of protection over certain interests of national importance ; and he found that the proposed modification of the Corn-laws, an eight-shilling fixed duty, exactly suited these requirements. He had also something, though not of novelty, to say on the financial policy of the Whigs and Tories, -which had been contrasted in the Tory papers at the expense of the Whigs. After his speech, Mr. Maule was subjected to a little cross-ex- amination by an elector: to whose queries he replied, that he reserved to himself the right of future decision as to the extension of the ten- pound franchise ; that he would maintain the Churches receiving en- dowment from the State in possession of what they have got, without adding to it; but that he would not remove the superintendence of the parochial schools from the Presbyteries of the Church of Scotland. At the close of the performances, three cheers were given for Mr. Maule.
Mr. Richardson, a Manchester Chartist, has put forth an address to the Perth electors as an opponent of Mr. Maule.
ROXBURGRSIMIE. We regret to learn that the present Liberal Mem- ber, the Honourable J. E. Elliot, declines to contest the county. The reason, we presume, is, that his opinions on the Corn-law question differ from those of the Duke of Roxburghe, without whose support he could not hope to be returned.—Scotsman.
STIRLING Buxom. Lord Dalmeny was put to the question on the Corn-laws in a very stringent manner, at a meeting of the electors of Dunfermline, called by himself, on Tuesday. A long string of queries contained this—" Will you pledge yourself to abide by the fixed duty of eight shillings, proposed by Ministers, and resign your seat at the Admiralty, rather than agree to raise the duty to ten or twelve shillings, should such a compromise be proposed betwixt the Ministry and the supporters of the existing Corn-laws?" The Lord of the Admiralty answered "I will give no such pledge."