26 JUNE 1852, Page 10


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The English Funds advanced during the early part of the week, till an im- provement of f per cent upon our last prices had been realized. A decline of 1 per cent occurred upon the news from Paris of misunderstanding be- tween Napoleon and the Legislative Council, when some large speculative sales occurred. The depression was but momentary, the sellers of one day appearing in the market next day as buyers ; and the price has risen again to the point from which the depression commenced ; the closing price of Consols this afternoon being 10011 ex-dividend for account. Bank Stock continues scarce and in demand. We cannot quote any transactions in India Stock ; which is, however, difficult of purchase at anything like the nominal price. Money as abundant as ever, and the price of Exchequer Bills improving. In the Foreign Market there wasa sort of panic, occasioned by the news from Paris already noticed: most of the current varieties of Stock fell about f or 1 per cent. This depression was of short duration, and prices have been generally reestablished; the closing quotations of today being the highest of the week. We must, however, except the Scrip of the New Austrian Loan, which is about 1 per cent lower than on Saturday. All the other Continental dividend-paying Stock continues in good demand. Penine sular Bonds are higher. The transactions in Portuguese Stock have been few ; but Spanish Stock of all varieties has been largely dealt in, and the closing quotations this afternoon are generally about z per cent in advance of our last. Considerable fluctuations have occurred in Mexican Stock, and the result has been to establish the closing quotations of today about f per cent above those of last week. The price of Peruvian Stock does not ap- pear to be affected by the threatened competition of Patagonian guano. Buenos Ayres and Venezuela are both higher. The Railway Shares have all advanced; improvement in the more im- portant varieties being from 21. to 31. Te low value of money is operating favourably upon this class of securities generally ; as, in addition to the eagerness with which investments are sought, the companies with large bond debts will be enabled to renew the debentures upon more favourable terms, and effect a reduction in the annual charge for interest. The Foreign Shares are all in demand ; having recovered from the momentary depression which they underwent in common with the English and Foreign Funds : prices generally are about the same as those of last week. Bank Shares, and every other kind of Shares, are in demand, and improving ; those of the Aus- tralian Banks especially. The shares both of the Australasian Bank and Union Bank of Australia have risen 21., the former being at 511 and the latter at 471.

SATURDAY Two O'CLOCK. The English Funds have declined during the morning upon the report of a new French loan; Consols were at one time as low as 1001 1 for Account, but rallied again, and close at 1001 I. The Foreign Funds are generally lower, as will be seen by the following record of actual business—Austrian Scrip, 4 34; Danish Five per Cents, 1051; Mexican Three per Cents, 271 261; Portuguese Four per Cents, 38 381; Russian Five per Cents, 1171 ; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 105; Sardinian Five per Cents, 941 ; Spanish Passive, 6 51; Spanish Three per Cents, 491; Spanish Three per Cent Deferred, 221 1. The Railway Shares are not so firm as in the morning, the bargains towards the close of business being generally at lower prices. The French Shares are also heavy, being generally about 51. lower. The following are the principal bargains—Aberdeen, 201; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 74; Caledonian, 44 31 ; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 41 ; Ditto, 181. E. and IL 31; Eastern Counties, 101 ; East Lancashire, 191 19; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 66 5; Great Northern, 92 11 901 •' Ditto Half- shares, A. Deferred, 551 • Ditto Half-shares B, 6 per Cent, 128 7 ; Great Western, 96 51 61 1; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 801 794; Ditto Fifths, 91; London and North-western, 129 8; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 281 ; Ditto Fifths, 161 1; London and South-western, 951 6i; Midland, 79/ 1 f Ditto 501. Shares, 73 721; Norfolk, 40; North British, 361 5 51 ; North Staffordshire, llf ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 224 ; South- eastern, 731; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 73f ; Ditto Extension, 64 1; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 511 51; Leeds and Bradford, 1081 109; Northern anclEastern 5 per Cent, 64; leading, Guildford, and Rei- gate, 26; Aberdeen, 95; Midland Consolidated 6 per Cent Stock, 14919; North British, 110; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 151., 6 per Cent, 141; Boulogne and Amiens, 131; Namur and Liege, 61; Northern of France, 241 ;Rouen and Havre, 13 121; Tours and Nantes, 121; West Flanders, 3; Australasian, 53.

3 per Cent Consols shot Danish 3 per Cents 78 80 Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents


Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents

644 i :

Long Annuities 64 5-18 Ditto 3 per Cents


t1 Bank Stock 222 224 Peruvian 6 per Cents 105 102 Exchequer Bills 69 76 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 371 84 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 117 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 102 Ditto 41 per Cents 1 5ft Belgian 41 per Cents 94 5 Spanish 3 per Cents 4 4 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 7 Ditto Deferred 22

Danish 5 per Cents 104 61 Sardinian 5 per Ceuta 94 44

SATURDAY TWKLYR O'CLOCK. Consols opened at the closing price of yesterday-1001.1. The market has since been steady, with but httle doing. The Foreign Funds are generally at yesterday's quotations; the transactions in them are, however, as yet in- significant. An improvement of 1 per cent in the price of the Internal Debt at Madrid occurred on the 19th, brit it has not occasioned any advance in the price of Spanish Stock here. The Railway Share Market is firm, with no change of price.