26 JUNE 1909, Page 42

The Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Sidney Lee. (Smith,

Elder, and Co. 15s. net.)—This sixteenth volume of the now issue takes in XLVL-XLVIII. of the original edition, from "Ralph Pocock" to "Sanderson Robins." Among the " Robins " items we see the name of George Henry Robins, once a famous wactioneer. Does any one remember him ? Ho sold the contents of Strawberry Hill for something less than .930,000. That was thought a great achievement; but what would they fetch now P Robins was keenly interested in charitable work. Ho was arrested as a rogue and vagabond for holding a plate in the streets to solicit money for the Margate Hospital, and recovered £50 damages from the Magistrates. There was something in Mr. Weller's opinion that these gentlemen committed themselves more often than they committed other people. But we have changed all that. One story was told of Mr. Robins which is not so much to his credit. He gave among the attractions of an estate which he had for sale the fact that it had a "hanging wood." This turned out to bo an old gallows.